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It was what Hermione liked to call the Hogwarts day, the day the kids leave to go to Hogwarts aka  complete chaos. Rose was woken up by the scream of her mother saying "Rose its 8 am in the morning do you want to go to Hogwarts or not?" rose as usual didn't respond she flipped over her back and fell asleep. "Rose Weasley UP NOW ITS 9:30 AM" Hermione yelled out to her daughter , she then tried to pull the blanket which rose had rapped around her to get her going. "Rose I am not waking you up again, if you wont be ready by 10 am we are going without you and you are missing you first day of your last year!!!!!" Hermione said and slammed the door shut; Rose just gave a annoyed sound as response. Rose slowly heard a knock on her door and she yelled "MOM YOU WERE JUST IN HERE 2 SECONDS AGO THERE IS NO WAY ITS 10 AM IN FACT IT IS NOT EVEN 8: 30 AM"; "Hey it's just me!" said Fred calmly " You do know that you actually have to make it to Hogwarts to send us a toilet seat right?" questioned Fred and giggled as Rose joined in . "Okay fine I am up!!" Rose announced to her uncle with a bright smile; "Ok then I will leave you to it, meet you downstairs in 30 mins" Fred said before closing the door behind him "Oh and its 8:15 not 8:30" he said and pooped back out. 

Rose gets out of her bed and heads straight to the restroom to take a shower and brush her teeth, she then gets dressed and make sure she has everything she need for her last year and also packs some extra stuff incase her stuff breaks " Will always remember what you thought me in my second year dad" she whispers to herself and smiles as she put an extra wand in her backpack; she looks at her alarm clock which read 9:00 am "Oh shoot" she grabs her stuff and rushes downstairs .

" Ahh rose you are up I was just about to  come and check on you" said Hermione; "What do you mean?" asked Fred "she refuses to get up in the morning, she most definitely got that from her dad!!"  said Hermione as she poured milk into rose's cereal; "I strongly disagree" said George "yeah me too" added Ginny; "I went to her room to wake her up I told her it was getting late and she immediately got out of bed" Stated Fred as the twins turned to rose and winked at her. "Then may I ask why the hell my daughter listens to everyone but me??!!!" asked Hermione slightly pissed at everything going on. Everyone just shrugged in response as Hermione facepalmed herself. "Rose do you have everything you will need???" asked Hermione as she took out her 'to-do list' and a pen to check things of it; "Seriously mom we are doing this again, your list is literally the same every year!!!" asked rose taking a massive bite out of her cereal; "Hugo do you have your things???" asked Hermione turning to her youngest and completely ignoring the eldest's question; "yup, they are in my bag but I can't find my bag?" said Hugo calmly while munching on his breakfast; "AND YOU ARE TELLING THIS TO ME NOW!!!!!" yelled Hermione as she almost flipped the house upside down trying to find Hugo's bag; "Hugo, when was the last time you saw it?" yelled Hermione as she walked into the dinning room; "Saw what mom?" said Hugo while wearing his backpack; "you found it? where in Merlin's beard was it?" asked Hermione feeling frustrated and relieved at the same time; "Oh!! it was with rose the whole time" said Hugo innocently looking back at his older sister who was now done eating; "Damn it rose!!! why didn't you tell me you has it?" said Hermione with her arms crossed around her  chest; "You never asked!!!!" Rose replied with a shrug. "Really? and you still ask why I have a to-do list?" Hermione said with her eyebrows raised.

Hermione spent a few more minutes checking things off her list and practically annoying everyone around, "Next is the vehicle, who is in charge of the vehicle?" asked Hermione as she ran her eyes through every bored face sitting on the table. "Its dad!!" said Albus with half of his face buried in his hands; "right, where is harry?" asked Hermione as her eyes roamed around the room looking for a specific dark haired guy. "and I will have that, thank you" said harry who had managed to somehow sneak behind Hermione without her noticing, and he took advantage of this situation by grabbing her to-do list and making a run for it. "HARRY JAMES POTTER!! YOU BETTER GIVE ME BACK MY LIST RIGHT NOW!!!" yelled Hermione as she ran after him; "its almost 10 and we need to leave now Hermione" yelled harry back to his defense. " UGHH, FINE LETS GO!!!" Hermione said as she picked up her backpack and headed towards the door, "Jesses woman you scare more than my own wife does!!" said harry catching his breathe from all the running; Hermione turned back and glared at harry and harry immediately made a zipping his mouth sigh.

"let's go people we haven't got all day and I need to get to work so HURRY UP!!!!!" Hermione yelled as she held the door open so the kids could get in faster, "and rose change that attitude of yours, this is the last first day of your life" ; "I would mom just stop yelling at me please" said rose already done with all the chaos from the morning. "hey, just because you are good at studies and the head girl doesn't mean that you will get away with everything!!!" said Hermione closing the door and making sure no kid is left behind; "how is that connected to you yelling at me??" asked rose making an annoyed and confused face; "you better watch your mouth young lady or I will be sending you to muggle school for you further education!!!" Hermione warned her daughter while putting her seat belt on and rose only put her hands up in defeat, she knew arguing with her mom on the first day of Hogwarts was getting her no where as her mother was a whole different person that day. " Never in a million years  had I ever imagined Hermione Granger yelling at us to hurry up on the first day of Hogwarts, I thought it was always going to be mom" commented Fred on the whole situation going on. "well I sure knew none of my kids would be responsible enough to do that, what I didn't know was that I would have a beautiful daughter-in-law who would carry on the tradition for me!!!" said Mrs. Weasley staring at Hermione with all the sweetness stored in her. "MOM!!!!" said all the Weasleys at once in disappointment; "Well, thank you Mrs. Weasley it is definitely an honor" said Hermione with the same smile she had whenever Professor McGonnell praised her. 

They reach platform 9 3/4, 15 minutes before the train departures and as per Hermione's rule every kid had to find there seat with their trunk placed to their respective places to avoid any sort of last mins  chaos surprisingly all the adults including the twins agreed to this rule as they remember their years of Hogwarts and the chaos formed by the train; " No kid of mine is every showing up to Hogwarts in a flying car!!!!" was Hermione's exact statement whenever someone opposed this rule or said something against it, this would immediately shut anyone up as it had happened before and it didn't turn out anywhere near acceptable. After placing their stuff in order the kids were allowed to come out and say their final goodbyes; this system of Hermione's might sound harsh but surprising it always worked even James, lily and rose followed this rule without an argument, it was almost like a drill.

"Okay we have around 8 mins left" James announced checking his watch which he had received from Hermione for Christmas "Okay so this is it, WOW its rose's last year of school and then she's done!!!" said Hermione her voice slightly cracking and tears making their way through her cheeks "Oh mom!! you know I will always be your little girl right??" rose said as her expression softened and she pulled her mother into a hug; "How many times have you seen Hermione cry???" Ginny slowly whispered to her husband " five to six times definitely not more than that!!!" harry whispered back with his eyes still fixed on the mother-daughter duo; "This looks harder than expected!!" George whispered so that only his twin and the potters could hear; "Yeah, this is really gonna hit her hard after everyone is gone and she is home alone!!!" added Fred to his twin's statement. "Yeah we better get stock up on some ice dream and some comfort food!!" said Ginny with her eyes still stuck on Hermione; " and we sure should expect some mood swings very often till she is back to her normal self!!!" Harry added knowing his best friend too well to take the precautionary measures to ensure that she is back on track with everything. "hey mom, I am here too!!!" said Hugo trying to get his mother's attention as lily face palmed herself. "This guy never understands the emotion behind the situation!!!" lily murmurs to herself; "Of course honey, I am gonna miss you too!!!!" said Hermione as she wiped off her tears and pulled her kids into a group hug. "Uhhh, guys the train is leaving we better hurry up!!" Albus yelled and the kids immediately go in the train and waved their parents and uncles their goodbye as the train departures.                           

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