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It was so warm, you try to roll over but you feel tangled. You're eyes ease open, finding Kid nuzzling your collarbone, arms around your upper body. You feel Zoro cuddling your back, tail curled around your thigh. "... It's too warm." You murmur, grimacing slightly, and this was odd. You carefully squeeze out from between them maneuvering out of the room sleepily.

"Good morning Y/n." Your mother's voice jolts you to fully wake.

"Mom! You're back! Good morning." You gasp going to hug her.

"What's up? You look alarmed. You're not hiding a guy in your room are you?" She jokes teasingly. You pause stiffening briefly.

"Heh, two actually." You hum in response.

"Oh wow, so popular." Your mom chuckles in amusement, thinking it was a joke. "Want to go out for breakfast?" She inquires.

"What time did you get home? Shouldn't you rest?" You ask.
"I got home just this morning, but I'm so hungry." She offers a slight sheepish smile.

"... Alright but you should rest when we get back. I'll go get ready." You tell her before slipping back into your room. Zoro was sitting up looking grumpy, his feline ears drooping. He looks at you.

"Come back." He frowns, reaching for you.

"Sorry, I'm going out for breakfast with my mom. You two can do what you like while I'm away. I might have modern clothes thatll fit you..." You look to the closet and Kid sits up, scratching the back of his head.

"Your mom..." He echoes. "Should we hide?" He inquires.

"Just... Try not to alert her that you're living here." You smile, touching his chest. "See you two when I get back." You add before grabbing some clothes and going to change in your bathroom. You soon go out, blinking as Kid eases on his jacket. "Hm? You going out?" You tilt your head.

"I want to meet her. So I'll meet you at wherever you're going to eat." He responds. Your eyebrows raise in surprise.

"Huh?" You huff, taken aback.
"What's with that look?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Just surprised. Dont get lost." You touch his shoulder. He nods quietly and Zoro stands grumpily.

"I want to meet her too." Zoro states.

"Um..." You start but Kid glares at him.

"No, we don't need to go hunting for you again." Kid growls.

"... Next time." You assure Zoro when he glares back.

"Y/n! Lets go." Your mom calls.
"Coming!" You call. "And for the love of all good things Zoro do not wander off." You murmur before heading out.

"You seem different... Did something happen while I was away?" Your mom asks curiously.
"Um... No not much." You scratch your cheek. You didn't know how to make the latest events sound... Not crazy at least.

"Mhm..." She leans forward, eyeing you carefully.

"What? Mom?" You frown slightly.
"You're glowing." She nods smiling. You pause and blush slightly. "Is it Ace?"

"What? No! Mom I-" You stammer.
"Y/n?" A familiar voice makes you squeak slightly and look up at Kid. "You okay?"

Champion ~ Eustass Kid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now