2. August

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My eyes are trained on the long menu, staring at the thin black letters and pretend to be heavily interested in them and concerned over what I was going to order as Gigi calls my name out again.

It wasn't that hard, anyway. I was fucking starving and every item sounded delicious.

"Lacey, you can't just leave it at that hell of a cliffhanger," Gigi continues, pushing my menu down and forcing me to look at her. "What happened?"

I sigh. "Can we at least order dinner first? I can't get into it without something in my stomach other than alcohol."

"Let her eat, G," Zayn says with a soft chuckle to lighten the tension. "We have all night."

"Fine," Gigi, fortunately, gives in and takes her hand off my menu. She points her finger at me, a flicker of determination set in her eyes. "But as soon as the appetizer comes, you're spilling everything."

I nod in agreement and look through the items again. Our table was ready a few minutes earlier than expected, giving me the chance not to blurt out every shitty thing that's happened since I last saw Gigi and reopen the fresh wound inflicted in the winter.

I peek a glance across the table when Zayn and Gigi engage in a quick side conversation about what they wanted to get. His arm over her shoulders as they lean into each other and share a menu. She'd occasionally laugh, glancing at him with a smile, lips nearly touching each other. I'm still not used to seeing them act all couple-y.

I'm really happy for them but I can't look at them too long without growing sad. It's like a part of me dies every time I see a happy couple.

"So how was Paris?" I ask them after we order our food.

Last month for Gigi's birthday, Zayn surprised her with a trip to Paris. They were there for eight days but the content Gigi uploaded to her social media was a month's worth.

"It was amazing," Gigi answers with a smile, her face instantly brightening at the sole mention of it. "The food, the shops, the museums. I miss it so much."

Zayn shyly grins down at her, nodding in agreement before bringing his glass to his lips.

"Did you get to visit the Louvre?"

"We did," Gigi smiles as she glances at Zayn. "It was incredible, wasn't it, babe?"

"Fuck yeah. All the world's greatest artworks in one place, it was fuckin' awesome," Zayn smiles wider. "You have to go someday, Lacey."

I smile softly. "Definitely on my bucket list."

"Oh!" Gigi suddenly says. "We made sure to get a picture with the Mona Lisa for you. I sent it to you, right?"

"Uh, I don't think so. You took a picture with the Mona Lisa for me?" I chuckle.

"Well, yeah. I remember Liam said you dressed up as her for Halloween."

"Oh, god." My head falling forward as I snort, the rum taking full effect over me now. "I thought I blocked that memory out."

"I could have sworn I did." She quickly taps and scrolls on her phone screen. She stops suddenly after a few seconds. "Oh."

That Summer Feeling: SUMMER 4EVER [H.S.]Where stories live. Discover now