Nandini thought for sometime and nodded at him reluctantly to which Manik smiled widely. He held her wrist and pulled her with him.

Nandini: Mani wait, I can't sleep like this. I will change and come later.

Manik nodded at her and left her hand.Both went to their room and closed the door.

Closing the door Nandini replayed everything making her cheeks warm. She sequealed like a teenager and immediately called her bestfriend.

As soon as the call connected Navya on the other side started abusing Nandini.

Navya: Nandini Murthy, is this the time to call anyone. It's almost midnight where people will be sleeping.

Nandini: Navya, Navya you can't believe what happened today.

Navya: Aisa kya hua ki you are this excited at midnight.

Nandini: I am so so happy, I did not expect to happen this at all you know. I don't know how to feel....

Navya: Nandu will you tell me what happened.

Nandini: Navya, he said he likes me, I mean we both expressed our feelings.

Navya: Who? Manik?

Nandini: Yes.

Navya: Oh My God, Nandu this is great.

Nandini: I really did not expect this.

Navya: But we all expected this. Atleast Cabir and I tho knew that it would happen.I am so happy for you.


Navya: And I need all the details tomorrow, now I will sleep. Bye Nandu Good night.

Nandini: Good night Navu and sorry to disturb your sleep.

Navya: You should be, but I will let it slide because you gave me a good news.

Nandini: Haan and don't tell this to anyone, not even our friends.

Navya: Ok, now bye.

Nandini: Bye.

Nandini kept her phone and changed to her pyjamas. She went out and hesitated for a while but knocked at his door. Manik immediately opened the door and smiled at her taking her appearance.

Manik: You look cute.

Nandini:*blushing* Thankyou.

They both moved inside and Nandini looked at the room to see it messy.

Manik: Umm Sorry it's a bit messy.

Nandini shaking her head started cleaning the mess.

Manik: Smile let it be, housekeeping will clean this up tomorrow.

Nandini: Mani, I can't stay in the mess and if I am sleeping here then definitely this has to be cleaned.

Manik: Ok.

Both of them cleaned the mess together and plopped on the bed together.

Manik: Such a clean freak you are.

Nandini: And such a messy person you are.

Manik slept on his stomach with his cheeks on pillow staring at her. Nandini on not getting any response turned to him to see him staring at her with his intense gaze. She blushed at that and put a hair strand behind her ear.

Nandini again looked at him and asked.

Nandini: What are you looking at?

Manik: You.

Nandini: Why?

Manik: Because you are beautiful.

She stared at him wide eyes at his sudden compliment and turned her gaze to other side with a smile on her face.

He removed her gaze from her held her hand entwinning their fingers and keeping it on the bed.

Manik: You are sleeping here right?

Nandini:But Mani.....

Manik: If you are not comfortable I will sleep in the couch.

Nandini: No, umm I will sleep on the couch you sleep here.

Manik: No, I am not sleeping here while you sleep there.

Nandini: Ok, we both can sleep here it's sufficiently big for both of us.

Manik: Are you sure?

Nandini: Yes.

Both of them lied down and kept staring at each other with respectable distance between them.

Manik took her hands in his and kept between them.

Manik: Good night smile.

Nandini: Good night Mani.

With this they closed their eyes inviting the peacefull slumber.

Author's Note: Hey guys,here is the next chapter.Hope you enjoy reading this chapter.Comment and Vote if you like this chapter. Keep showering your love. Any suggestions are always welcomed.
Stay safe,Stay indoor.


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