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I WAS DMING MY FAVORITE PERSON, Aust he was just so clever and could cheer me up in a heartbeat. Honestly, if I could I'd give me my heart as I messaged him "Aust I'd literally give you my heart if you were here LMAO" I chuckled to myself as I sent it I didn't think much of it. "I bet your heartbeat could sell for a lot! LOL :)" that was off why in fuck's name would he say that.

It was probably just some dark humorous joke as I brushed it off.
I did get some type of gut feeling however I had recently moved out of my parent's house. 
So even if he got my address it'd be my parents, right?

What the hell was I thinking anyways it was just a harmless joke yeah just a joke.

I was in my room on the second floor cozying up to my blanket.
My house wasn't big but, it wasn't a mansion either. "I need to stop thinking like that" I stared blankly at my roof as my dog started to bark. It was just the neighbors, right yeah to push away those thoughts I quickly opened up Discord.
"LMAO, MY DOG IS BARKING ARE YOU AT MY HOUSE?" "Did you BREAK-IN" I laughed at my phone but the pit feeling in my stomach never seemed to go away. "YEA" "HIDE NOW" "IM COMING FROM YOUR HEART" "AHAHAHAH" he messaged at me as I snorted, alright I was just going crazy.

I really was just paranoid huh?
That moment of peace was cut off shortly as I heard glass shattering no way in hell that was my dog.
I felt my heart drop as a banner popped up on my screen, "Told you so" I grasped my phone as I shoved my way under my bed.
I turned my phone off as I heard rushing up the stairs.

The shoes that the thing wore were heavy-duty crocs I couldn't just say it really was Aust that'd be crazy.
It had to be just a misunderstanding maybe it was parents as my thoughts took a hold of me.
A wrench crashed against my door, "Oh Box" I heard a voice yell. "Oh fuck" I thought to myself that crazy bastard really was Aust it sounded exactly like him.

No wonder why he had been busy recently he was traveling to see me, I let out a slight gasp.
I slapped my hand onto my mouth to cover my breathing I could see his shoes walk around my carpet flooring.
They were covered in mud tracking all over my floors but, I could care less.
He soon left the room as I turned to face up towards my bed I soon flipped completely to the overside to be faced by Aust.

He was crouched on the ground with his wrench staring right at me.
I quickly pushed myself out from under my bed I almost succeeded as he snatched my ankle. "LET GO" I kicked his mouth as he pulled out a small pocket knife stabbing it into my lower ankle towards my foot.
I was bleeding and it was painful my crimson blood wasn't even visible against his black pants.

"Oh for fucks sake" "Those were new" he complained towards me as he got distracted I kicked as hard as I could towards his chest. "FUCK" he fell backward as I slipped my way out of the bed.
I got up with no struggle as I dashed towards the staircase as I booked it down not caring what I was ruining.
I slammed myself against the walls hearing him run quickly behind me. "Fuck, Fuck, FUCK" "YOUR HARD TO KEEP UP WITH" he laughed slightly behind me. "But, not quick enough" He pinned me towards the wall I could see my front door I was so close.

The glass was shattered I kept my eyes towards the prized as I struggled with all my might.
He grabbed my chin forcing me to stare into his dead eyes, clearly, he had been doing this for a while. "I warned you" "You didn't listen" he tsked towards me  "YOU CRUEL MOTHERFUCKER" I yelled at him directly into his eyes.

"You'd be right but still" he held his pocket knife "W-What the hell are you doing" "UGH" he stabbed and dragged his knife along my side as he held the side shut to ensure I didn't bleed out too quickly. I felt my vision get fuzzy and I got dizzier "Why are you bleeding that much" "Hold it in or something you're making a fucking mess" he let go of me but, tugged at my hoodie holding me up.

"You were pretty entertaining I do say so myself" "but, uh you promised me your heart" "You have no idea how much those sell for" Aust's voice lingered in my mind I felt betrayed and I was frankly pissed off.
I was about to lose my life to a psychotic manic, who was practically obsessed with money and prices.
"You've stained all my shit thanks a lot boxzic" he complained, "And I'm going to die now because I trusted you" I gritted my teeth as the gaping hole on the side of my body was about to kill me.

"Listen here-" he attempted to yell at me before I snapped towards him "You were so comforting and sweet but your fucking killing me" "How'd you manage to get this violent Aust, you bitch" I chuckled through my teeth as I felt my eyes gain heavier. He crouched towards the ground as he placed me down, laying next to me as I bleed out.
I took in my final breathes praying to God, "You weren't so bad" I could hear him feel so empathic towards me. "Now I kind of wish I didn't do that," he said grasping his wrench he was about to finish me off for good.

"You better regret this till the day you die" "Because I don't forgive your bitchy ass" I felt a metal taste in my mouth. As I completely collapsed on the ground, I whispered some words that he would never forget.
He got up as he raised his wrench aiming for my head, "Wanted to sell your brain but, I don't want you to suffer it's the least I can do for you" he said as I pressed myself against the cold floor.

I was dizzy and everything seemed to be in slow motion as it came down.
I swear my life was flashing in front of my eyes, I hated him and that won't fucking change as everything was set.

I was in the spot I would die and I hope to god this image will be engraved in his head for the rest of his fucking life.


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