"Exam Season" 💔💖

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I LEANED BACK IN MY CHAIR, it was raining hard as I continued to write down my notes they were just stacking up to the roof. Well that's it felt it was exam season and I wasn't prepared unlike my roommate Boxzic she had already finished this year of online school. I felt dizzy and so stressed out I wanted to collapse I felt like nothing was working.

I groaned as I heard a knock at the door, I didn't felt like answering I just felt like shit.
I hadn't gotten any rest I was just tired of it, she opened the door.
I couldn't even be bothered to make eye contact, "What?" I asked as she grabbed my wrist. "Aust" "Take a nap," She asked of me, "I can't I've got school to do" I wined but she started pulling me.

I looked at her she was wrapped in a fuzzy blanket, I sighed and let her lead me on. She pulled me into the living room and pushed me down onto the couch, "What are you doing?-" I asked as she sat next to me and pull her blanket on me. 
She started to play a Disney movie in the background but, all I was focused on was sleeping.

I could barely keep my eyes open I leaned my head against something I didn't know what it was though.
I opened my eyes enough just to process what the hell was happing.
I was resting my head on her shoulder she didn't seem to mind though.

I didn't even have enough strength to move so, I just appreciated it.
She started to ruffle and play with my hair as I let out an annoyed sigh.
She chuckled as she continued I couldn't even manage to get anything out.
I was already exhausted so, this pushed me as I attempted to get up.

I wanted to just head back to studying before I just fell asleep completely. 
But, she kept me there now my hair was a mess as I just closed my eyes which probably had eye bags for the amount of time I studied. She pushed me softly down onto her lap as I rested.
I felt safe and warm, I didn't want to really go back.

I had gone too far so, now there was basically no chance of getting up now.
I just agreed with my fate and go comfy and allowed my eyes to close.
As she turned the TV off getting comfy as well I could hear a faint laugh. 
I fell asleep I was comfortable and I was happy with that.

Those exams can wait because I needed this.

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