"Theories & Minecarts" 💖💔

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IT WAS 2 PM IN THE AFTERNOON, as I continued to lay in bed. I had stayed up the entire night figuring out what that purple crystal did. I had papers thrown everywhere with markings that all connected together in a way. I sighed taking in the air, I had absolutely no motivation to do really anything.

But, still managed to get up I hadn't been in contact will anyone in a while I had lived far away from everyone else.
The only contact I had with the main SMP was through a letter system I and my friend Aust had created between us and I hadn't used it in months.
Ihad so many theories based on everything it was practically taking over my life.
It was just like old times when I was alive, I mean I couldn't verify if I was alive or not but I had a feeling that I was dead.

I managed to push myself out of bed letting out a faint "Ugh" with it. As I got up I walked my way to my door opening it, I could hear faint rustling from my porch. 
But, I couldn't care less about it.
I got into my well-lit kitchen and proceeded to make a drink I needed it.
I was so thirsty my throat had been dry, I hadn't taken a break except for my sleep.

It was also difficult to keep track of time especially when I'm always cooped up in my room.
I could hear a knock at my door, I placed down my drink and proceeded slowly to the entrance.
I turned the knob with hesitation, why would anyone visit me anyway.
I was so far anyway and plus everyone else would probably be busy constructing their houses.

I opened the door to see, Aust he was slouched over being way too tall for my door frame. "I forgot to install a larger door" I muttered under my breath, "Where have you been?" "I've- We've all been worried about you" "I haven't even received any letters from you" Aust questioned me.  "I dunno" I chuckled, "you know what" Aust frowned as he wrapped his tail around my waist. "What?-" I sighed, he soon started to drag me down the steps.

I started to punch his tail he flinched but, didn't really show it he placed me into the Minecart.
Following behind as he sat behind me, "I've got work to do I can't go-" I attempted to say as he pulled the lever making the cart move.  "EH?-" I struggled to say as we started to move, "This is for mail you know?" I winced I wasn't a big fan of going 40 miles per hour on a Minecart with no safety precautions.

I took in the scenery other than the fact, it was almost night.
"I know that but, I need to take you back to my base" "I've missed talking to you" Aust muttered under his breath.
"Alright I'm already here so, I guess" I agreed with him as his tail started wagging once again.

Looks like I'm not going to find any new information about this SMP today.


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