A New Life

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Here we are. I stood on top of the stairs, and stared at my would-be new home.

I could hear the distant conversation of a long, black haired beauty, and a gloomy guy showed no expression whatsoever.

"You there. Why were you looking at me in the bus?"

"Oh. I just thought that you were...."

I didn't have the time to listen to them bickering. I went over to them.

"Hey. You two."

They both stared at me. Their expectant faces rendered me mute for a few faces, with the exception of the gloomy guy, who was still wearing his one expression. Does this guy not smile?

"Uh. Just wanted to say that you two are blocking traffic with your obnoxious conversation. Maybe take your little lovers' quarrel somewhere else, somewhere where there won't be people. Yeah, just a suggestion." (Hiro)

"Hmph. We are not lovers, not even friends. I just happened to catch him staring at me during the bus ride. But that's not any of your business. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be taking my leave." (Horikita)

( I say Horikita here but Hiro and Kiyotaka don't actually know her name yet. This is just so you readers know who's talking. But in cases where it's extremely obvious who's talking, then it's up to you to figure it out.) -Author's Note.

And just like that, I was left with the gloomy guy. 

"Hmm. What's up with her? You her stalker or something?" (Hiro)

"No. I just saw her not paying attention to a certain incident during the bus ride, and thought she was somehow, a bit like me." (Kiyotaka)

"Huh. By the way, what's your name? I'm Hiro Mikuryu. Just transferred here. I'm guessing your the same?"

"Kiyotaka Ayanokouji. (Is it Ayanokoji or Ayanokouji? In this fanfic I'll just do Ayanokouji hehe) I'm in Class D."

"Hmm. Same. Wanna walk together? I remember there's an entrance ceremony in the school's gym."

"I'm good. I'll go by myself."

"Well, your choice. See you in class."

I waved Ayanokouji goodbye, and entered the school grounds. This would be my new home for the next three years.

By the way, I could see why the Fate Weaver told me this would be I'd be free for these three years. The school, well it'd be more apt to call the miniature-city, was located in an isolated island built by the japanese government to nurture young people to lead the country in the future. I was told this school boasted a 100% job employment rate, meaning anyone who has graduated from this school could afford to get any job they wanted. But, really? 100%? I don't know any companies who'd hire someone just for completing school. There's degrees, experience and stuff like that. 

As I walked around the school, I spotted a mall nearby, named Keyaki Mall. Maybe it's a popular place for students to hang out after school. I could see myself trotting down to the nearby cafe to get drinks after a long tiring day. 

As I finally arrived at the campus, I headed straight to the gymnasium, which, to my surprise, was actually pretty easy. The ceremony looked like it was about to start. Many students were already lining up. As I found a vacant spot, I took my place and stood waiting for it to start. 


Who's that? I heard a voice similar to mine, but much more, rowdy? It sounded like me if I was a delinquent who skipped classes. 

Hey, let me out will you?

I don't know who you are, but please be quiet.

In an instant, I fell to the ground. 

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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