Coffee In The Rain, Depressed

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Ah, rain. It's my favorite weather. Gloomy, like me. It ruins perfect summer days, destroys vacations, and interrupts plans.

"So, how about it, Hiro Mikuryu? A good deal, for someone like you. 3 years of freedom, but at the end of it all, lies death. So why not enjoy these last few years?"

Was what the person sitting across the table from me said. It was now late night, and it was raining mildly. It was strong enough that the sound of each raindrop hitting the hard, rough, concrete roads could be heard. The person who had invited me introduced himself as Fate Weaver. I don't care about these obnoxious nicknames, but his offer enticed me.

He had invited me to a coffee shop that was rather well known in the neighbourhood. Day by day, crowds of people, especially in the morning, come here to order their personal blends of coffee.

The person in front of me, probably wanting to stay inconspicuous, had a hood over his head, and was sipping on the black coffee he had ordered. I was never a fan of bitter coffee, although, it was probably meant to be drank that way. I didn't like my coffee to be TOO sweet either, only a sugar addict would want that.

"Your deal, can I trust that I will be free for 3 years?"

"Of course. But you know what happens after the end, right?"

After a bit of time thinking about it, I subconciously drank my coffee during this brainstorming event.

"Very well. I'll accept. 3 years of freedom. And at the end of it all,


"Very well, Mr. Miryuku. A week from now, you'll officially be enrolled as a student of the prestigious Advanced Nurturing High School. I thank you for allowing the time for us to talk like this. Now then. I'll be leaving you. Don't worry about the bill."

"Okay then. Goodbye."

"One more thing. Make sure you enjoy."

"I hope I will."

The man in the hoodie left, and I spent the rest of my time sitting there, drinking my coffee.

My name is Hiro Miryuku. I was born into the Miryuku family, whose bloodline was said to have created countless geniuses since the creation. Many Noble Prizes, newfound inventions, scientific accomplishments, were all due to the work of the family.

That was the same for all my siblings. We were a family of five, with three of us siblings, Kabuto Miryuku, Minori Miryuku, and me, Hiro Miryuku, in order of birth. We all lived together, along with my father and my mother, Ryutaro and Tamari.

My siblings were geniuses. Unlike me, they excelled in all that they did. Sports, Studies, Appearances, all of it exceeded mine. I'd even go so far as to proclaim them as living gods. That's how huge the difference in between us was.

My older brother immediately took an interest in Physics when he was six, and went on to receive various prizes from winning science competitions. My sister, on the other hand, was great at literature, physical things, and was considered the most beautiful high girl in the school we once went to.

I never excelled in any subjects. All of my grades were, mediocre to say the least. I wasn't gettinf straight A's, nor was I physically capable. This lead to me receiving multiple punishments from my parents, going so far as to slam my head into a wall on some occasions, screaming out painful words,

"This should fix that brain of yours!" *slam*

I endured it all. No one stood up for me. Unlike my family, who were gifted, I was not. What could I possibly do?

My only hobby was playing music. I would occasionally play the piano in a vacant room of the house. The family owned a wide variety of instruments, ranging from lyres, to acoustic guitars, to trombones. During my free time, I'd play each and every one of them.

One instrument I was particularly the most skilled at, was the piano. I'd play a number of old music, with my prime favorites, Sonata in C Major, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, and Moonlight Sonata.

Everytime I'd play music, my parents would come over with happy looks on their faces, and congratulated me. They all loved to listen to me everytime I played.

And then, they all focused their attention to my two older siblings. I, who was not skilled in anything other than music, could not possibly hope to compete with them.

After putting up with the abuse from my family, I saw the opportunity to escape, one time when my parents and my siblings went out on a week-long holiday. I began to wander the streets, and eventually met up with Fate Weaver, who offered me the deal of having complete freedom in ANHS for three years, but with me dying at the end, as a price. Having no intentions to survive after experiencing freedom, I agreed.

And thus, six days had passed ever since the meeting. Tomorrow, would be the day my freedom would start.

Now then, ANHS, let's have some fun, shall we?

During  these 3 years, we'll be seeing each other a lot.

Let's get along.

Hehehe. Betcha didn't expect me to come in here with a new fanfic eh? As the tags say, this will be a classroom of the elite story.

Also it's a Nanase x Hiro fic, but she won't come until WAY later. And I mean WAY later.

Based on the cover, you probably already figured that out too anyway haha.

I do apologize for the lack of updates. Been getting massive depressed vibes from all the school work I have been getting. I'm frankly, overworked. So I wanted to portray Hiro as someone I can relate to, since he'll be modeled after my personality.

And well, that's about it. Have a good day and thanks for reading!

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