"How was our first date?" Frida asked. Benny looked up trying to think and couldn't help but laugh.

"I don't remember," he said but his face said otherwise so she didn't believe him.

"You do know," she insisted.

"Well, I do know. Do you really want to know?"

"Of course I want to know, I don't like feeling so empty."

"Well..." he paused and gave her that seductive look that he always used to do and that for some reason was familiar to Frida. "Our first date was in a bar but it really happened at my hotel," he commented.

"Your hotel?"

"Yeah, we were in Malmö for work and well we hit it off, we basically had sex," he continued. Frida blushed and she didn't know what to answer to that, but she got so nervous that she started choking and coughing, Benny got worried, "Are you okay?" he patted her on the back and handed the glass of water for her to drink.

"I'm fine," she replied when she controlled her cough. "I wasn't expecting you to say we had sex on our first date," she made clear.

"It's just that we couldn't help it, we knew we were made for each other."

"Can I make you a question?" she got a little more serious.

"Sure, you can ask me whatever you want," Benny leaned a little closer, everything about him was perfect.

Frida cleared her throat as she didn't know exactly what response to expect, "when I found out that I had children I thought they were ours because you are my husband," she began. "Then I understood that I was married before and that my children are from that first marriage, then that you also have two children from your first marriage but since then there is something that has left me intrigued," Benny knew where things were going, he already imagined what she was referring to. "Why haven't we had children if many things happen in eleven years?"

Benny didn't know what to say, it was a very delicate topic that he didn't like to talk very much, he knew why but he was not ready or did not have the guts to tell her, not even himself wanted to believe it, "we just haven't had time," he lied to her, knowing that this was not the correct answer but it was the one they gave to everyone and the one they wanted to believe. "A small child takes a lot of time and since we got famous we haven't had time," he continued.
Frida noticed how difficult it was for him to give that answer and she did not understand why but she sensed that there was something beyond what he said.

"Will there be a moment?" she dared to ask.

"I don't know, why? Are you asking me for a baby?" he joked causing her to smile.

"No, but I would like to have your opinion."

"I've always wanted whatever you want," was his reply. Frida decided not to comment further on it, perhaps she should wait a little longer to go so deep.

At dawn, Benny began to wake up feeling a hand on his chest, when he managed to open his eyes he realized that Frida had her left hand tucked into his chest and was sound asleep so she didn't realize it, he couldn't help but smile and held it. She used to do that whenever they slept so it was strange to him that she even unconsciously losing her memory did it, it gave him hope. He caressed her and left her hand right there, closed his eyes to continue sleeping, now he was more comfortable, he couldn't believe it and he was excited; she was so sound asleep that she was snoring.

In the morning, Frida unconsciously began to caress his chest, she still didn't open her eyes and wasn't aware of reality, she only contemplated everything through her subconscious; Benny felt the movements and was also waking up. She opened her eyes little by little and saw where her hand was, still tucked between his hairy chest so she tried quickly to get it out of there but Benny knew what she was doing and smiled, she blushed and pressed her lips thinking that he hadn't noticed.

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