Chapter 35: Cyberium

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"Doctor!" Yaz calls, running up to her and planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Come on, then." She says, quite annoyed but not surprised.

"Oh, William." Mary smiles, taking him.

"Dear Fletcher, no. It cannot be." Byron gasps.

You look where he's gazing, seeing Fletcher dead in a hallway, along with Elise. You take a sharp intake of breath, pulling away from Missy and taking a few steps down the hall. You've seen a dead body before, C at MI6, but something about it just makes you really on edge. Like a life or death situation, it's real. You aren't dreaming.

"Mister O'Brian needs you in the cellar at once." Polidori says, snapping you out of your spiraling thoughts.

"All of you, find somewhere to hide." The Doctor's says, dead-serious.

"But I must-" Mary starts.

"Do you want to listen, or do you want to end up like them? None of this is supposed to happen. They weren't supposed to die. Neither are you, so please, let's not unravel anything else. Hide, and stay there. History is vulnerable tonight. I mean it. Now go on." She says, sort of pleading, but stone cold. Leaving no room for objection.

You turn around, seeing Missy look like she was about to say something, but deciding against it.

"Lord Byron." Mary calls as he turns away. "You're going to take William for me. Guard him." She turns to Claire. "Stay safe. I need to see Percy." Claire hesitantly nods. "I know the risk." She says to the Doctor, but she's already walking away, following Polidori.

"Come on dearie." Missy waves a hand towards you.

Taking a deep breath, you follow the group, to a cellar. In a very tense silence. Once down there, you see a man crouched against a wall, with Graham and Ryan. The Doctor scans him with the sonic, and based on the way her face changes, it isn't good.

"Shelley in a cellar, hidden away, cloaked, too big to register. That's why my reading have been off. It's something called a Cyberium."

Do NOT let it have what it wants. At all costs.

You temporarily dislocate, that word triggering something in your head.

"I'm trying to protect it." Shelley responds, a bit shaky.

"We can't let it have that." You gasp, looking to the Doctor, pleading.

The cyber man shifts into the room, everyone except the Doctor and Missy stumbling back.

"Be gone, invader." Shelley demands.

The cyber man shifts out, but not before Missy whams it in the back of the head with her umbrella.

"Missy!" The Doctor snaps.

"What? Be glad I didn't kill it!" She protests back.

"Who moved him?" She turns her attention back to Shelley. "Is it you changing the house?"

"Some, but not all. It has it's own room." He responds.

"Mary!" The Doctor spins around, somehow having heard Mary come down the stairs.

"I cannot hide. Not while he suffers." She solemnly responds.

"Show me." The Doctor turns back to Shelley.

He nods, and she touches two fingers to either side of his head.

"I returned." Shelley says as the Doctor pulls away. "I was changed. No one could see me. It hid itself within me, and hid within the villa."

13th Doctor x Reader: LostHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin