"Not until you allow me to come back in this country," he answered.

"I believe she told you to get your hand off of her," Fischer said. He looked as if he had just woken up. Fischer's hair was unruly, and he was in an oversized sweatshirt and sweatpants. Fischer walked over to them and forcefully pulled Aiden's hand off of Aru.

"Fisher, come on, bud," Aiden smiled. Fischer pushed him up against the carriage and held him there.

"If you so much as touch her, I will punch you."

"You wouldn't dare."

"I've got you against a cart. Don't test my limits."

Aiden turned them around quickly, so Fischer was then the one secured in place. "Is that so, Fish?"

Then, Fischer lost it. He punched Aiden, knocking him to the ground. 

"Fischer!" Aru yelled. "Why would you do that?!" 

Fischer looked at his hand. "He deserved it."

"Just as you deserve this," Aiden said, standing up. He kicked Fischer to the ground and crouched next to him. "Aww, can poor Fishy not get up?"

Fischer pulled Aiden to the ground with him and started to punch him. 

"Guys, stop!" Kara screamed. "Aiden, you can beat him. You're better!"

Aru looked at Kara with hatred. "Seriously? You're encouraging this yet telling them to stop. You are one messed up person." 

Aiden rolled them over, so Fischer was the one getting the punches. 

"Stop, please," Aru cried. This had happened plenty of times in school, except she had been the kid who got beat up. 

She tore Aiden off of her friend with tears staining her face. "Get away from here. I don't ever want to see you here for as long as I live," she cried. 

"Aru-" Aiden said. 

"Get out! How can I make this more clear for you?! Go, scat, run away, get out!" she screamed. 

Aiden wiped his bloody lip. "Fine. Don't come running back to me when you see that you made a mistake."

"Trust me. This is no mistake, Prince Aiden Acharya," she sobbed. Fischer stood up, and he had a black eye and a bloody nose. "After you did that to Fischer, in what world would I ever want to see you again?"

"His imagination," Fischer mumbled. 

Kara guided Aiden into the carriage. "Control your worthless scholars."

"Did you forget your boyfriend was once a scholar here? He's more worthless than anyone here."

She scoffed then left. Aru walked over to Fischer and tilted his chin up to look at her. 

"Why would you do that?"

"He's a jerk. I had to get that in before he left."

"You got hurt, Fischer."

"You're worth it, Aru. You are like my best friend. I won't let him treat you like you're a piece of garbage."

Aru beamed. "Let's get you inside, Fischer." They walked inside and saw that they were late for class. They ran down the hall and scooted into class. 

"You're late," Urvashi said, not looking up from her book. "You both held everyone up."

"Sorry, ma'am," Aru apologized. The Queen looked up and saw the blood dribbling down Fischer's lip. 

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