Chapter 18

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-One year later-

Aru stood in her wedding dress, keeping in mind that Cata and Sebastian needed this. It was a simple dress if you could even call it that. It was a romper with a skirt attached.

"Are you ready?" Suyodhana asked.

"Yeah. Let's go marry the love of my life," she smiled.

They had managed to fool her father and the people of Cata that Sebastian and Aru actually loved each other. Sebastian didn't believe that they could actually fool everyone, but they did.

"I'm surprised you are actually going through with this and not protesting."

"What can I say? Sebastian has made a place in my heart."

Her father brought her outside and walked her down the aisle.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Brynne and Fischer. She kept her eyes fixed on Sebastian and fake smiled. He bit his lip, trying to hold back a laugh at her romper.

"Treat her well," her father said to Sebastian.

"Not like you ever did," Sebastian replied, having an expression that showed he was proud of himself.

"What did you just say to me?" her father said through gritted teeth.

"Dad! Let this day just be peaceful, okay?" Aru hissed. "I'm grateful that you let me marry the," she paused a gagged slightly. "love of my life, but please, just shut up."

"Fine." He took his seat in the front row. He watched Sebastian and Aru closely, not sure if they had an act going or not. Aru noticed his worried glances and held Sebastian's hand to make him less wary.

"To make this short, do you have any vows you'd like to say?" the priest asked. "I'm just trying to get paid and get out of here."

"Nope," they both replied.

Sebastian and Aru just wanted to get the Sleeper out of power so they could fix Cata.

"Okay. Aru, do you take Sebastian to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I-I do," she stuttered.

"Sebastian, do you take Aru to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Repeat after me. I, Sebastian Donovan, take you, Arundhati Shah, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part," the minister said.

Sebastian repeated after the priest.

"Aru, your turn. I, Arundhati Shah, take you, Sebastian Donovan, to be my husband, blah, blah, blah."

Aru did exactly as he said.

"Does anyone oppose this marriage?"

"We do!" Fischer shot up.

Brynne stood up with her bow loaded and ready to shoot.

"Anyone dare go after Aru or Sebastian, I will shoot you," Brynne said.

"Arundhati, you didn't hold your end of the deal," Suyodhana said bitterly.

"Did I not warn you, father?" Aru asked, cocking her head to the left.

"Aru," Sebastian said.

Aru remembered that until they were married, Suyodhana would still rule Cata.

Aru quickly kissed Sebastian.

"There. Does that count as us married?" she asked the priest.

"I mean, sure. I don't care as long as I get paid. By virtue of the authority vested in me under the laws of the Country of Cata, I now pronounce you husband and wife."

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