"I wish we could just open our zips like you guys and just start peeing in the grass fucking every where on the earth without the threat of being raped or groped by a man because he is aroused at us pissing and without being worried about getting infected and having this shamelessness to not care about infecting other people like ah you men right??? Bull shit."

"Come, I'll find one for you." Kaya said but Mustafa stopped her. "My fault." Mustafa raised his hands in the air, giving up. "It'll be safe if I go with her. Do you want to use??"

"No, I don't but I can take her with me if it's inconvenient to you." She taunted. "I'm sorry." He folded his hands and apologized. She heaved, throwing herself against the car. You just had to be a misogynistic to get onto her nerves.

She crossed her arms against her chest as her eyes moved up and down Aryan who stood to her right still bitter at her. If she was a drama, then he was too. She put her hand forward towards his hand for the tea. Aryan glanced at her before loosening his grip and letting her drink from his glass.

She sipped the tea and gave it back to him, the two drinking one after the other until the cup was empty and Aryan put it on the roof of the car. "You could have said that you wanted tea." He finally spoke and she was glad. She was in no mood to get a silent treatment.

"But I didn't want to hmm." Kaya replied, moving towards Aryan, taking a hold of his hands, parting them and making a space for her self between them. She was stood against his chest, making him hug her from behind. "Just wanted you to hold me instead of the cup, so helped you finish it faster."

Aryan shook his head, not wanting to chuckle at the queen. She really played dirty with him and he did not want to love it as much as he hated it. She was messing up with him real bad.

Kaya pressed her hips to his crotch and played with his fingers. "Don't move." Aryan alarmed her as she tried to turn him on, rather than talking to have him talk to her to make up for the shit she did. But he wasn't interested.

"Han? Really?? Why not??" Kaya tilted her head and put a kiss on his neck, pressing herself more against him. "It's beautiful there, see." Kaya pointed to her left to show Aryan the scenery.

"What Kaya?? Your account isn't even private??" Mustafa talked to her as he unlocked his phone to follow Kaya on Instagram. Aryan left her immediately before Afaf and he could come to other side of the car, where they were standing against.

"Yeah." Kaya inhaled. "I opened it to public just now. You know some people might not want to follow but still stalk me??" She peered up at Aryan.

"And this is so plain? What's so good about it?" Mustafa asked unable to figure out what was so great about the picture. He put it on display towards her in query and Aryan saw it too, realizing it was him, not Raghav; it was the picture Kaya had clicked last night after they had made out and sat in front of the bonfire together with her leaning on his shoulder and talking to him till late at night.

"Afaf hypes up trash. I thought you posted the two of you naked." He spoke and Kaya shrugged at Aryan as he observed her, sinking in the fact. He hated himself for reacting on something so trivial but at the same time he was pleased that it was him. Kaya could read both of his emotions on his face.

"Ah?? So you want to watch me without clothes?? Afaf what the fuck??" Kaya talked to him and all of them began to sit in the car.

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