Don't Go

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What if Addison agreed to go back to New York with Mark? After Derek told her that she's "Satan" and an "Adulterous Bitch".


"You really are Satan. You realised that right?" Hearing those words from your husband would definitely wound your heart to the extent that it doesn't bleed anymore. But Addison Montgomery stood up with dignity and straight face saying "Stop being petty." But Derek Shepherd answered back immediately "Stop being an adulterous bitch." Without a brake. He didn't know how to stop, how to stop hurting the woman who he once thought the love of his life. Addison clenched her jaw, then pulled the folder from her bag then gave it to Derek. "What's this?" He questioned, opening the folder. "The ball's on your court Derek. If you signed, I'll sign." Then the elevator doors opened. Addison walked in without looking at her future ex-husband. But when the door closed, Derek was too late to look at her back and—maybe stop? "Divorce papers." He purred to himself, looking intently at the paper with their names Derek Christopher Shepherd and Addison Forbes Montgomery-Shepherd. Her name was too long, and he remembered that his wife hated how long it was, including her middle name Adrianne. Which he found it pretty like her.

"Red." The only person who called Addison that name was Mark, reached for her hand as they were sitting on Joe's bar. "Have you made up your mind?" But the redhead didn't answer him and just took another sip on her martini—which was already her countless glass for that night. "That's enough. I'll take you home now."

"No. I can take care of myself, Mark. You go home now, to New York so you can screw your nurses." Addison mumbled, shooing Mark away from her. She was too broken to fight, and too weak to recover. "No one loves me anymore." She started choking her words, she was already crying. "My husband called me names. He doesn't love me." Mark shook his head, cupping Addison's face. "Addison, I love you. And Derek, he doesn't know your worth. You're worth it Addison. Forget about Derek and let's go home."

"You love me?" She pouted with tears in her eyes. "Yes. I love you Red." But she looked away murmuring "If you love me, you shouldn't have screwed that Charlene nurse. You all just love the chase. Not me!" Addison sobbed harder. Joe looked at her and soothed her hair as she was almost kissing the bar. "Sweetie, for the record I love you and I won't cheat on you." That's so sweet of him. "Because you're gay, Joe." Addison finally kind of laughed. "I love you too Joe. Because you give me unlimited pass." Mark scowled at Joe. "She has unlimited pass?" But the Bartender shook his head. "She doesn't. I suggest you take her home now Dr. Sloan. She's been here since 11am." Because of that Derek! Mark have never seen Addison this drunk, yes they might have been in some parties in New York but she knew how to handle herself and she didn't drink this much. She never let herself block drunk. "Thanks Joe for calling me." Mark patted Joe's back. "She wanted me to call you." Somehow Mark Sloan felt some reassurance that from that moment, he will always be the one on Addison's speed dial.

On the other hand, Derek was lying on the bed in his trailer with Meredith on top of him. She was talking about random things but his mind was wandering around to nowhere. "Derek. Are you listening to me?" Meredith asked kind of annoyed, knowing that her boyfriend wasn't listening to her rants. "What? I'm thinking about my patients." Lies! He was thinking about the divorce papers. Meredith sighed, sitting up, pulling the covers up to her chest. "You seem off. Is it me?"

"It's not always about you Meredith." Derek got off the bed to wear his clothes. "I'm going to clear my mind. I'll be back before you know it." But Meredith didn't know, Derek was already in front of Addison's suite, knocking on her door. He's been fidgeting, pacing back and forth until someone he didn't want to see opened the door for him. "What are you doing here Mark?" The Sloan man just stood up there, crossing his arms. "What are you doing here Derek?" He threw back the question. "I'm here for Addison. If you don't mind, you can leave." Mark just chuckled. "Derek, do you expect Addison to face you after you called her names? Hurt her like the punisher you are? She's been through a lot. She's devastated because of you." Mark fought. Even though he knew he didn't have the place to because... "You think it's all my fault? If you didn't seduce and sleep with my wife on my bed, nothing of these would happen." The two men glared at each other, ready to claw their eyes out but they both heard Addison calling Mark's name. "I think it's time for you to go Shepherd. You're still my best friend, my brother. But right now, Addison is more important than what it is we have to fix." But before Mark closed the door, Addison was already up, seeing Derek on the other side of the door.

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