The Truth

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"Mother, what is it?" I asked.

"Your father and I aren't your real parents Umi. I'm sorry we kept this from you for so long. This was what we were going to talk about last night." she said sadly.

My voice started to tremble, "No that can't be true. I mean...Mom, I even look like you! How can you say that?"

"On this day seventeen years ago, your father and I were on the beach near the Village. There was a storm far out in the ocean so we were there collecting the seaweed that came to the beach from the current. Suddenly, we saw a floating object come from the direction of the storm. It came to the beach and descended right in front of us," my mother paused before continuing, "Umi, it was you. you were in a basket with the letter 'R' engraved into it. We immediately took you and as we went to hold you we saw this beside you." my mother said as she reached into her pocket.

She pulled out what looked like to be a small wand with a white sphere that was way too large and heavy for the amount of wood there was. I went to grab it to inspect it further and as soon as I put my hand around the wooden shaft, the wand rapidly changed.

"Woah!" I shouted.

The wand's shaft quickly changed to be four and a half feet long and an inch and half wide at the top of it where it was thickest. The shaft wasn't the only thing that had changed. When I looked at the orb, it was no longer white. It was now multicolored with pink, green, and blue pastel colors swirling around within it.

"What do you think you're doing?" Nozel asked.

It wasn't until then I looked at the captains and saw that Nozel had his grimoire out and his mercury magic already swirling around him.

I pleaded, "No I didn't do anything! I just touched it and it did this I swear!"

Nozel looked to Asta and right away he said, "She's not lying."

I looked back at my mother "Mother I don't know what to say. I'm curious as to where I came from, but thank you for everything. You guys chose to have me as your kid so thank you for doing so. Is that why you named me Umi? Because I came from the sea?" I questioned with a laugh.

I made my mother giggle, "Yes you finally know why. You don't have to thank us, dear. We fell in love with you as soon as we saw your big blue eyes."

I embraced both of my parents in a hug. They said I didn't have to be thankful but I knew I did. Raising a child is so expensive and living in the boonies, they were already so poor. It's hard to think of how they managed before I was working to provide income.

Asta squealed in a high-pitched voice, "Awe that's so cute!".

I awkwardly pulled back and looked at captain Fuegoleon.

"Captain Fuegoleon, you said you wanted to see my power? I'm ready to show it to you.", I nodded.

"Great. Follow me."

I left the staff with my parents since I didn't know how to use it and because I didn't have my grimoire to have any spells for it yet. Captain Nozel and Captain Fuegoleon led me to the back of the building while my family and Asta stayed to watch from the room above. 'Wait....I'm in the Royal Capital....' I thought as I looked at the tall and well-built buildings that surrounded us, in awe. I lined up right beside Fuegoleon, who now had a massive dragon hovering over him and an arm made out of fire. I never thought he was scary until then. As the dragon roared I got my golden mana to flow to my hands.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

I nodded, "Yes, Sir!"

"Alright let's begin." his red grimoire was now glowing bright orange, "Fire Creation Magic: Ignis Columna!" Suddenly a pillar of flames formed around us, the heat was almost overwhelming. The flames were circulating at a high speed and rose above us to be 10 meters high. The pillar was like a tube that had just a wide enough diameter to prevent us from burning up from the close flames. 'it's time' I thought. I planted my feet on the ground so that I was in a wide and stable stance with my knees bent. I focused on the mana flowing from my hands and imagined it flowing to the flames, feeding them like they were a wildfire that was desperately wanting to catch something.

The pillar of flames quickly tripled in size and now had three times the length and the width. Suddenly the pillar changed shape and since the flames were spiraling around in circles it created what looked like to be a tornado! As it was starting to crack the stone ground below, Fuegoleon put his arms out and withdrew the spell. The flames slowly started to dissipate into the sky and it was not until then I noticed many people from other surrounding buildings were staring at us.

"You're magic exceeded my expectations." Captain Fuegoleon turned to face me, "even without using a spell you were able to enhance my spell more than twice the amount that the fire spirit can."

Nozel walked toward us and Fuegoleon asked him, "What do you think Rival?"

Nozel's expression remained cold "Well my Mercury Magic is already naturally at a disadvantage when against your Magic, so watching that was a nightmare."

Captain Fuegoleon Laughed, "Haha, I thought you might say that."

"Umi," the captain said in a serious tone, "I want you to become a Magic Knight. Your power is already strong, if you get your grimoire and train hard I know you will get even stronger. The pay is one of the best in the Clover Kingdom and can help your family live well. When you go to the magic night entrance exam in seven months the Crimson Lion Kings will be waiting for you." he said.

Nozel added "If you show promise and can be strong enough to hold your own, then the Silver Eagles will also be waiting for you. I'm not going to let my Rival use you to further his squad in the ranks." he said with a slight grin.

"But...I don't understand...I'm weak. Why would you want me as a Magic Knight" I said as I looked down at the ground in shame.

"Umi." the Silver Eagles captain put a hand on my shoulder, "An idiot that I really despise once told my younger sister, 'There isn't any shame in being weak, the shame is in staying weak.' I still don't necessarily like you, but I am no longer a person who ignores potential when I see it."

Captain Fuegoleon smiled at Nozel.

My eyes widened as I gasped because I knew that both of them truly believed that I could be great. I always thought that I was too weak and was unable to be a Magic Knight. I realized that I lost hope and gave up before I even tried. 'This year will be different! I'll give it my all!' I thought.

"I'll train hard, I promise! I'll become a Magic Knight! I won't disappoint you!" I happily shouted.

Based on Black Clover: The Tales of UmiWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu