An Unexpected Hero

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I froze in my steps. I was afraid, alone, and had no more mana left. There wasn't a house within a kilometer radius of where I was. There was only me and that cold man on the path. I looked at my surroundings to try to see how I could escape and to my luck, I saw a forest to the right just two hundred meters away. If I could just buy myself five seconds for a head start I could make it.

"How is a pretty girl like you a commoner? You're far more delicious-looking than those filthy Royals!... Oh well. Works better for me since no one cares about a peasant like you. The Magic Knights don't come here so I can do whatever as I please." The man says as he steps closer and closer to me. Shaking in my feet I can't move away, he becomes so near me that I can smell his breath which is brutally tainted with alcohol. He grabs my hair with one hand and reaches for my breast with the other when finally, I snap out of my trance and slap him hard across the cheek.

"Don't touch me! Just...Stay away!" I shouted while retreating to the forest.

"Ahhhh so the peasant girl does have a little fight in her. It looks like I'm going to have to put you in your place before we have fun." as the man said this his grimoire came out of his satchel glowing a dark green color.

"Weakening Magic: Gremlin's Gas Pistol!" The man formed a shape of a gun with his hand and his dark green magic surrounded it. When he flung his hand upwards he mimicked the shooting of a gun, causing a sphere of condensed mana, a bullet, to fly through the air at rapid speed. It was unavoidable. As I realized I had no mana, no spell, and there was nothing I could do, I screamed as the condensed mana hit my chest whereupon impact, it expanded into a mist surrounding me. As I inhaled I coughed because I felt a burning sensation throughout the back of my throat. The pain brought me to my knees and without realizing it when I tried to get back up I forcibly couldn't because the mist had a paralyzing attribute to it.

"There. Have you learned yet? No woman dares to stand up to me, let alone hit me in the face."

I look back to where the path is and see him coming towards me. I couldn't move. Every part of my body was affected by the paralysis, and in addition, the impact of the bullet minimally bruised my ribs. With all the energy I could muster I screamed,

"Stop! Leave me alone I haven't done anything to you!" the man doesn't even hesitate and starts to walk faster.

I turned my face to the sky, squeezed my eyes shut, and screamed at the top of my lungs, "Please someone help me!" I cried out.

Out of nowhere, I heard a loud thump that was like the sound of a boulder hitting the ground after it was dropped from thirty meters in the sky. I tried to look past the man to see what it was but my neck was now paralyzed and I was stuck.

A boy with a strong and loud voice yelled, "Hey you! Stop right there! Just who do you think you are treating someone like this?"

The man finally turned and I was able to catch a glimpse of the boy. Even from far away I could see that with a strong voice, a strong physique followed. He looked about the same age as me and the boy was more than just fit, every muscle in his body looked like it was trained intensely for a long time. Perhaps for most of his life. His whole upper body was completely exposed with just his shoulders and upper back covered by a tight-fitting jacket and a robe. The robe was black and yellow and I recognized the squad colors right away from hearing that they placed second for stars gained and hearing their contributions to defeating the Spade Kingdom Leaders recently. The Black Bulls.

"Me? I'm no one important, just a man putting a worthless commoner in her place." the man said with ease.

The boy gritted his teeth, "Demon Slayer!" the boy extended out his hand to the right and on cue, a large sword that was in the ground behind him flew to his hand. When he went into a starting position to charge forward, his leg muscles were so powerful that his heel made cracks into the ground below. He used this force to propel himself forward and he traveled with a speed on par with that of light, leaving no time for the man to counter the attack. The boy hit his chest with the flat side of the sword, causing the man's body to fly into the forest and to eventually slam into a tree, making a loud noise with it and causing the surrounding birds to flee.

"Are you hurt?" I was still staring at the forest and was so in shock at the raw power this boy had, that I didn't even realize he was right in front of me. His green eyes were large and filled with genuine concern.

"I...I can't....move....his spell did it." I was completely exhausted and could barely speak as the spell's effects kept circulating to more areas of my body. The boy frowned and looked down. It was the same way I did at the farm when I was disappointed in myself.

he whispered, "Demon Destroyer." the handle of another sword rose from his grimoire that was glowing red. As he pulled it out I saw that it was smaller and had a unique rounded shape. He held it near my head and slowly, green magic started to come off my body and went into the sword. The more the sword absorbed, the more movement I was allowed by my arms and legs. Though something wasn't right. I started to get dizzy and feel faint.

struggling to speak I groaned "I....have no more....mana." as I finished saying this my eyes closed and since I was on my knees, I fell forward into his chest.

"Hey what? what's going on? Hey!" these were the last words I heard before everything went dark.

Based on Black Clover: The Tales of UmiWhere stories live. Discover now