A Royal Surprise

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After Asta left, I decided to leave the family alone in the healing room. Though after three hours I came back to check on Umi. I used my Qualle Operation spell to see all of her mana and other bodily levels and when I saw her mana level, I was in absolute shock and disbelief.

I shouted to one of the fellow Healers in the tower, "John! Bring Marx in here at once and tell him it's an emergency!"

"Yes Sir!" his muffled voice from far away replied.

"Why? What's wrong? What's happening to our daughter?!" the mother yelled at me.

"Nothing, please do not worry. I just need Marx's magic for a second and then she will be fine."

I felt bad for lying to them as it went against my morals as a doctor, however, in this anomaly of a case I could not keep this a secret. A commoner was loved by mana.

As I started to wake up, I opened my eyes to a bright light shining down on my face. Wiping my face and allowing for my eyes to adjust, I looked around and I saw that I was in a stone room. 'Where am I?' I thought. I looked down at my wrist and saw that my mother was holding my wrist and that my father was hovering behind her to the left. When I looked to my right I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Though it was dark, I could see that near the doorway there were two very tall men wearing long robes. Seeing the color of their hair made me recognize them right away.

My drowsiness from my long slumber went away instantly, "You're Captain Fuegoleon Vermillion!...and Captain Nozel Silva!"

The Silver Eagles captain stepped walked towards me. As he got closer I felt more intimidated with each step. I heard rumors from the people in Yuri that his facial expression was always as cold as ice. As he stepped into the light I could confirm that the rumor was true.

"Umi Enkeli was it? I'm glad to see that you are awake. Now then. Care to explain why you have the same amount of mana as a Royal?" he said as he looked down at me with disgusted and scary eyes.

Flying on my sword and feeling the wind as it hits my face was an amazing feeling, but being late to apologize to a girl did not feel good. Thinking that she had already left the tower I went in on foot and as was walking towards the doorway I immediately recognized two people's Ki that I knew all too well. 'What is Noelle's and Leopold's brothers doing here?' I thought. Then I checked for Umi's and her parent's Ki and they were in the room too to my surprise. Since I heard Nozel speaking I decided not to go into the room, but since I was curious, I put my ear against the wall to try to hear what was happening.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Since you were terribly injured I'll let the informality in your words and how you didn't address us as royalty slide."

On cue, Fuegoleon Vermillion stepped forward and explained more warmly, "What Nozel means to say is that we want to know the reason why you appear to be loved by mana. In the four kingdoms, only royals and nobles have large mana reserves. According to Owen's magic, you have more mana than either I or Nozel. Not only that, but Nozel and I can sense it too. Since you are a commoner Umi, we are curious as to how you acquired such a power. Nozel suspects that you may have partaken in the crime of stealing other people's magic, is this true?"

"Of course not! I would never do anything like that. As a matter of fact, my magic is only able to help others." I tried to explain.

"Fuegoleon she's seventeen and doesn't seem to have a grimoire, does that sound like someone who wants to help people? Come on, your the captain of the Crimson Lion Kings, don't let this commoner sway you into a lie." Nozel said as he looked off in disapproval.

"Hey, hold on a second!"

A boy with ash grey hair shouted as he stepped into the room. Hearing his familiar voice suddenly sent flashbacks of last night into my head. 'So he was the one who so effortlessly saved me.', I thought. I remembered something else from that night too. I remembered opening my eyes to seeing the side of his face and the night sky filled with stars in the background. I could feel the warmth that his arms gave off as he held me bridal style. The feeling that he gave me felt so familiar even though I knew that I had never experienced something quite like it before.

"Asta. What is it?" Fuegoleon asked. I could tell by the casual tone he used that he respected him highly.

"I know that Umi didn't hurt anyone in that way. I could tell by her Ki last night."

Nozel's eyes widened as he turned to Asta, "You were eavesdropping on our conversation? How very disrespectful of you, this meeting was supposed to be classified."

"I know. I'm sorry. Anyways, last night when I went to save her from that Spade Kingdom guy who had weakened her, I could tell by her Ki that she was never intending to attack him or even defend herself in any way using magic. I don't know why, but if she wouldn't have used her magic then I don't think she would have used it to harm innocent people." he looked at me and smiled.

His smile was so big and covered almost half of his face. It was a smile that was contagious. I couldn't help but slightly grin. As I tried to bite on my lip to conceal it, I couldn't help but feel warm at the fact that he vouched for me and stood up to these mighty beasts to do so.

Nozel challenged, "Why did you do that Umi? Were you trying to lure a Magic Knight to save you just so you could have this alibi?"

"Well first, I was already out of mana from working at my Village's flower farms all day. Secondly, as I said earlier, my magic only helps people. When people cast a spell, I can flow some of my mana into it and triple its size and power. It's the only thing I can do. I can't attack or defend," before I said my final thought I looked at Asta and continued, "I'm useless on my own."

Fuegoleon looked me in the eyes, "That sounds like a very unique power, I'd like to witness it after we sort this out if you don't mind. Although Asta just cleared you from being criminal, we still have no other information regarding your mana reserve."

"I--" As I was about to say to Fuegoleon that I didn't know why I was loved by mana, my mother grabbed my hand with hers, and squeezed it tightly.

"I think...I might know why" she said as she looked at my father with a facial expression filled with concern.

Based on Black Clover: The Tales of UmiWhere stories live. Discover now