Start from the beginning

"As much as I want to, I can't. As I said Hogwarts will start a new term tomorrow. Though I'm technically hundreds of years older than them, I'm still a student. I think I even have to sneak out at night just to talk to Dumbledore." she stated.

"Alright. I suppose I would never change your mind then," said Digory. "You might wanna sleep for a bit. As far as I remembered from your stories you're mortal now."

"Correct. And I will. See you later this midnight, I guess."

"Sounds good. Goodnight young Enchantress."

Amaryllis smiled "Goodnight, Digory, my old boy."

They both laughed as Amaryllis leaves his office.


Amaryllis was packing her things for her journey back to Hogwarts when someone knocked on her room's door.

She walked towards the door and opened it. There she saw Digory standing, looking at her with the same twinkle in his eyes. "Oh. You're ready?"

"I thought you do not want me to go, come in" Amy joked opening the door more widely to let him in.

"I certainly don't but I also do not want you to be late." He said, "And I have something for you."

He stretched out his hand that's holding a black rectangular wooden box with a gold design that looks like Narnia textiles.

"What's this," she asked while taking the box.

"Well, open it," Professor Kirke said sarcastically.

Amy opened the box and immediately gasped after seeing it. "Where did you get this? I left this in Narnia," she said in shock taking the very identical black wand she had before from the box.

"I made it done. I called a wandmaker living nearby after I noticed your wand was not with you when you came back, knowing that you always carry it with you. I supposed you left it which you did." Digory explained

"Thank you so much!" thanked Amy before giving him a tight and warm thankful hug.

"You're very welcome," he responded.

Amy backed away still smiling so widely.

"...And the wood that's used was from the tree I planted from the seed of the apple of youth from the Tree of Protection. The same wood I used for the wardrobe. With the same core and every detail from your original wand. In theory, this will help you conceal and control your abilities with witchcraft"

"Thank you, Digory. You've done so much for me and Narnia. I don't know how I would repay you."

"You don't have to. And oh, you're going to be late. Shall I walk you to the station?"

Amy chuckled "No, Since you gave me a wand. I can apparate now. And I'll go see my parents, and tell them everything."

"Apparate? But you're just in the fifth year, do they taught fourth years to apparate now?" The former Hogwarts' Ancient Runes Professor asked in confusion.

"Of course not. I learned it in the backyard."

"Why did I not see that coming?"

The Witch (Narnia x Harry Potter)Where stories live. Discover now