The shaking finally stopped and Bucky loosened his grip on me. It was hard to see anything for a second, but when I came to, Bucky and I were completely covered in rubble and parts of the building ontop of us. I could tell the bench above us had given out, but it at least protected our heads. Bucky waist was very pressed against my own so I tried to turn to look and a large pieced the building was laid on his back.

"Are you okay?" I asked him as I felt my hearing return back.

"Just dandy." He said with a grunt.

"What the hell caused that?" I asked panting.

"I don't know something was shooting us from the sky." He said sounding wildly in pain.

"How do we get out from here Bucky?" I asked in a nervous tone because I didn't not have any ideas.

"I don't know. I'm pinned down, I have no idea how deep in this we are." He said looking at me.

"Bucky, we can't die down here. Not like this." I said looking up at him.

Our noses brushed and he looked at me with soft eyes. Our lips touched and I heard him take a deep breath. He started trying to lift the rubble above him. He struggled to get up, but he managed to get to a kneeling position, but now without the weight of the rubble on his back.

I sat up and pressed my hands to the large piece above our heads. I let out a loud grunt and with all my might I pushed it all away. A couple smaller pieces rolled down towards us, but I could see the sky above. Where the ceiling should have been there was hole. The sky had turned dark orange and I could see fires going off around us.

"Never in all my years did I think I'd find anyone stronger than me, much less attempt to marry them." He said looking up.

"Yeah don't thank me yet. We're still in a 10 foot hole." I said acknowledging we were still stuck, just rather less stuck now.

"Gimme your foot" He said seriously.

"Bucky come on, what's that going to do? I'm not leaving you down here." I said shaking my head.

"We don't exactly have many options, you can at least go get help." He said arguing with me.

"Bucky, we were buried 10 feet deep in the building and we didn't even have time to run somewhere kind of safe. How do we even know there's help up there?" I asked and he didn't say a word. "Who would do something like this? How did anyone even know what we were planning on doing?"

"I have no idea, maybe someone came to stop us, looked like they did." He said shaking his head.

"I don't think we could climb ourselves out, this hardly looks stable." I said in frustration.

"I can hear something, but after that explosion my hearing might be shot." He said and I didn't have anything to add.

I could hear him, but I still had a loud ringing sound in my ears. I saw a bunch of orange light brighten up the hole. Almost like it was sunset but I knew it wasn't. It was maybe 2 or 3 in the afternoon it was way too early for that. It didn't flicker the same way fire does. I was confused and I tried to see if I could see anything, but we were in too deep.

I felt something hit my arm and I went flying upwards suddenly. I screamed as I was nearly yanked from my very position and launched straight upwards. I made it up to the top and I fell onto my back and I coughed from the wind being knocked out of me. I sat up abruptly and almost reached for my gun before I realized who had picked me up.

"Peter?" I asked unsure of what I was even seeing.

"Hey Val, it's been the weirdest day. I was on Titan with Mr.Stark because you said to follow him. We were fighting that Thanos guy, but Mr.Strange gave up the stone to him and then everything got all dusty. But I woke up and Mr.Strange was saying it's been five years and we have to stop Thanos again and he did the big fire spinning thing and we-"

I jumped to my feet and hugged him tightly. The stones worked. I don't know when or how they did it but they worked, they managed to bring everyone back. Behind Peter I could see exactly what he was talking about. Nearly everyone we had lost in the snap was now walking through Dr. Strange's portals.

"This is nice." He said hugging me back in a much calmer voice.

I pulled back and my hands rested on his shoulders. I knew a big fight was clearly coming, but I just wanted to look at him. Up until a few days ago I never thought I'd see him in the living flesh ever again. He gave me that cheesy smile I had almost forgotten about.

"Peter, Bucky's down there." I said finally snapping back into it.

"Oh right." He said shooting a web instinctively and Bucky screamed on his way up.

He scrambled to him feet and got up defensively the same why I did. He however looked vastly confused for a second before he came to the realization of what was going on. He looked all around and realized the events that had happened and what was to follow.

"Nice to see you kid." He said still sounding shocked. "I take it we have a purple guy to defeat."

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