Voldemort is back

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While we were all waiting, I felt a slight pain travel all over my body, which had my eyes flash white as I came to be standing in a graveyard that is always in my brother's dreams that match mine as I look around for anything to spot then my brother and Cedric who has just fallen to the ground for the cup drop out of their hands landing away from them, "You?" Cedric asks my brother as I watch them with me, gulping in. 

They need to leave quickly. This is not a place to stay, "Yeah, you?" Harry asks Cedric to nod as I travel my eyes through the graveyard seeing the potion cauldron that could fit a whole human in it as my body is rigid in fear, "Where are we?" Cedric then asks as they are looking around for anything, 'Harry' I try to call my brother, but nothing is coming out of me. It's like I am not here; I am more like a figment, "I've been here before." As Cedric looked at the cup that had not been moved, Harry said, "It's a portkey. Harry, the cup is a portkey." Cedric explains as I look at them with a no-shit Sherlock look. 

I got it when I felt my soul be transported here like I was supposed to watch this for some reason, "I've been here before in a dream. Cedric, we have to get back to the cup? Now!" Harry demands as I look at Cedric, not understanding what is happening. I then felt the side of my head go into unbearable pain to grip it, bending over as I looked over at my brother, who was going through the same feeling in his head, "What is it?" Cedric questions, looking at my brother as I am screaming out, not wanting this pain right now. It hurts too much to go through it, "Get back to the cup!" Harry yells while Wormtail exits an area holding Voldemort as I shrink back in horror on the ground of the shrivelled-up Voldemort. 

Cedric looks at them, holding his wand up to defend himself, "Who are you? What do you want?" Cedric asks as he watches them for me to watch them closely on what they are to do next, "Kill the spare." Voldemort orders Wormtail to cast the killing curse on Cedric as I scream out in pain at the sight that I just saw when Cedric falls to the ground dead, "Cedric!" Harry yells out at the loss of the Hufflepuff guy who is kind and loyal like most, but he is also brave. Wormtail then grabs my brother, putting him near a stature that traps him there. I gulp in as I go over to Cedric, bending down to touch his cheek. He was sweet to me; I will not let him die in vain. 

I get up to go over to where my brother is trapped to stand by him, "Do it, now!" Voldemort orders as I watch with plain horror as Wormtail drops Voldemort into the cauldron while watching with my brother as the colour runs from my cheeks, "Bones of the father, unwillingly given. Wormtail continued as a bone hovered over the cauldron. He then drops it in with a splash, "Flesh of the servant willingly sacrificed." this crazy Buffon then continues with this sort of potion. 

I have read about it before somewhere, but where I can't think of when Wormtail cuts his hand off as I cringe at the pain that is present on his features, "Blood of the enemy forcibly taken." So Wormtail explains, coming over to my brother, cutting his arm for Harry to scream in pain as I shake, wanting to hurt them, but it seems my soul will not move at all from its stuck spot. The crazy servant then goes back to the cauldron, letting the drops of blood fall freely into the steaming mass. 

That is where his Master sits, "The dark lord shall rise again." Wormtail says with joy more to himself as I watch as the cauldron bursts into flame with Voldemort to be reformed. I watch as he steps out dressed in black as I gulp in, stepping closer to my brother, watching with fear in my eyes what has happened here this night, "My wand, Wormtail." Voldemort orders the servant to hold out the wand, bowing deeply with me breathing slowly on Voldemort being back, "Hold out your arm." the dark lord orders as Wormtail holds out the wounded arm. I frown, knowing that the dark lord is not kind-hearted to his servants. 

Wormtail holds out his arm, looking happy that his lord is back. He is pathetic in the eyes of all. He should have died that night, "Master. Thank you, Master." Wormtail was saying to the dark lord, who would not have it one bit, "The other arm, Wormtail." the dark lord ordered. Wormtail looked concerned but did as he was called. Voldemort sticks his wand into the dark mark, making the skies change as the other death eaters are summoned by their Master, who is standing looking at his followers who have returned to him finally, which has me watch where I stand, "Welcome my friends. Thirty years it's been, and yet you stand before me as though it were only yesterday. I confess myself disappointed; not one of you tried to find me." So Voldemort was saying until he slashed out, taking the masks off his followers as I looked at them, noticing Mr Malfoy with them, which is news to my eyes becuase he has always been evil in my eyes, "Not even you, Lucius." Voldemort comments, looking at the long-haired blonde who is cowering in fear of his Master, who has finally returned to them all. 

He is useless to the eyes like his son, "My lord. Had I detected any sign or even a whisper of your whereabouts." the Malfoy was saying as I watched them. He is scared his Master has returned to him, "There were signs, my friend, and more than whispers." Voldemort comments, looking at Lucius with ill contentment about him not returning sooner, "I assure you I never renounced the old ways. The face I have been obliged to present each day since your absence, that was my true mask." Malfoy confesses as I watch them with anger; 

they are disgusting to the eyes right now, trying to win Voldemort back with these words, "I returned." Wormtail puts in for the dark lord to turn his blue eyes on his faithful servant who betrayed mother and father to be by the dark lord's side, "Out of fear, not loyalty. Still, you have proved yourself useful these past few months, Wormtail." Voldemort comments, then wave his wand, letting a hand appear where the other was cut off, showing a silver hand as I watch them with ill contentment, not wishing to stay, "Thank you, master, thank you." Wormtail praises the dark lord for moving to the corpse of Cedric as I watch him step to the side so I am closer to my brother, "Oh, such a handsome boy." Voldemort comments on the dead Cedric while touching Cedric with his toes, "Don't touch him." Harry tells the dark lord who looks at my brother, who struggles in the holds of the stature that he was placed, "Harry! I'd almost forgotten you were here." Voldemort comments as he looks at me standing there as the blood runs from my cheeks, "and your sister in spirit form," he says as I shake.

Stepping away, not liking this at all as I let my spirit go back to my body, breathing in thankful breaths, I flutter my lashes open, seeing that I am lying down on someone's lap as I look up at the person who happens to be George who looks down at me with his eyes full of happiness that I am awake, "Hermione she's awake" George tells my best friend who comes rushing over looking at me with fear on what just happened, "are you ok Lil's?" she asks as I sit up slowly with help from George who looks worried on my health. Still, I will care for that later, "never mind that", I say, getting up and pushing through the crowd, rushing down the steps to Dumbledore, who is standing there talking with Igor and Madame Maxine, "professor, we must stop this task now" I tell him as he looks to me observing me with those twinkly eyes as he can sense something is off when his eyes stop twinkling, "Miss Potter why should we do that?" Madame Maxine questions as I gulp in, and I breathe in a while, standing there with my palms sweaty on what I just saw.

"It's about the dark lord", I answer as Igor goes pale on my words while looking at me with him, gulping in, "Miss Potter", I heard someone say as I turn to look at Mad-eye Moody, who watches me with narrowed eyes on what I am implying as I see something deep in his only good eye, "let's get you some water you look a little sickly," Moody tells me as he grabs my arm to lead me over to the stands where the water is, "but professor, Harry's in danger and Cedric he is..." I was explaining as he sat me down on the bench, which had me look up at him with fear in my green eyes, "Now, now Miss Potter, today is a joyous day, and you do not want to ruin it for everyone and possibly your brother who is the winner" Mad-eye was telling me as I frown on his words not caring about all this winner stuff, "I could care less on the joyous day when people are in danger, sir" I answer as he glares at me while handing the bottle of water to me, "just sit here and have a think about it, Miss Potter" he answers as I watch him move away, I know that I am arguing with a professor right now which is never right. Still, he seems off, like he doesn't understand what is happening. 

Edited: 19/12/23

Lillian Potter and the Goblet of Fire (fourth book to Lillian Potter)Where stories live. Discover now