Siruis in the fire

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The next night came as I sat in the common room waiting for my brother to come down so we could discuss things with Sirius. It is vital to talk this out with someone who could help. I am reading the article that that horrible woman wrote about my brother, which makes me frown at the words that are all lies about my brother, "Harry Potter, age 12......suspect entrant in the Triwizard Tournament. His eyes swimming with the ghosts of his past......and choking back tears..." I read the article about Harry and then threw the newspaper into the fire, hating the printed words. I then notice my brother coming down the stairs to sit next to me on the couch, "anything from Sirius yet?" Harry asks as I shrug my shoulders, crossing my arms over my chest, my thoughts going to that, wondering where Sirius is, "nothing", I answer as I sigh, not wishing to think what we are to experience in this time from the tasks that are coming up. 

The fire began to spark, and I looked there with wonder in my eyes at what it was doing when Sirius's face appeared in the fire. I gasped at that, then went and sat on the floor in front of the fire and looked at Sirius, who was plain to see in the embers of the wood, "Sirius?! How..." Harry questions as I want to know how he is doing this as well, "I don't have much time, Harry, so let me get straight to it. Did you or did you not put your name into the goblet of fire?" Sirius questions as I bite inside my mouth, knowing Harry's godfather always jumps to the point on what we need to discuss, which is impressive when we need it, "No!" Harry answers as I pinch him, knowing that it was a little louder than usual and people could have heard us, "Shh... I had to ask. 

Now, tell me about this dream of yours. You mentioned Wormtail and Voldemort, but who was the third man in the room?" Sirius shushes Harry and then moves onto the topic of the dreams we are experiencing, which are not that fun because they result in something terrible, "We dunno, Sirius", I answer as he looks at me, knowing that the dreams are getting worse. It is hard to sleep most nights for myself, with Hermione even helping me in those times in case it hurts too much with her sitting with me all night to talk about other things to keep my mind off dreams, "You didn't hear a name?" Sirius then asks us another question as I gulp in, knowing there is no mention of a name in the dreams, which I find weird sometimes, "No. Umm... But it seems that Voldemort was giving him a job to do. 

It was something important." I voice for my brother to nod to my words as Sirius looks at us with my red hair dusting over my shoulder with it straighter than a stick today, which is hard to maintain, but I do cut it when I have time to or when Hermione has the time to cut my hair, "What was that?" Sirius asks as I shrug my shoulders, not knowing what Voldemort was ordering of his follower, but it is not something to look forward to. 

I place my hands in my lap while licking my lips; I then turn my eyes to my brother, who is looking at me and then back to Sirius, "He wanted... us. I dunno why, but he was gonna use this man to get to us. I mean, it was only a dream, right?" Harry asks as my brother grabs my hand as I breathe in a shaking breath, not loving this feeling in my stomach that Voldemort is always after us in some senses, but now he is sending people after us to do what, "Yes. It's just a dream. Look, Harry, Lillian, the death eaters at the world cup, Harry's name rising from that goblet. These are not just coincidences. Hogwarts isn't safe any more." Sirius voices as I look at him, gripping my brother's hand tighter, feeling that this is dreadful because Hogwarts has always been our home and is safe with the magic that flows through it; 

I do not want to watch behind my back, wondering who is going to strike me at every turn, "What are you saying?" Harry asks as I watch Black with wonder on what he is talking about, "I'm saying the devils are inside the walls. Igor Karkaroff he was a death eater. And no one, no one stops being a death eater. Then there's Barty Crouch, heart of stone, sent his OWN son to Azkaban." Sirius tells us as my breathing stalls on the fact that it is evil within the walls and why they are placed here, which scares me silly, "Do you think one of them put my name in the goblet?" Harry then asks as I watch Sirius closely on the following words that are to come out of him, wondering if he has any idea on all of this, "I haven't a clue who put your name in that goblet, Harry but whoever did it is no friend to you. People die in this tournament." Sirius admits with tears gathering on my waterline, not wishing to lose my brother in this stupid tournament that might kill him in the end, "I'm not ready for this, Sirius." Harry admits as I wipe the tears away; none are ready for this. 

Lillian Potter and the Goblet of Fire (fourth book to Lillian Potter)Where stories live. Discover now