Yule ball

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I am walking the halls with Hermione and Ginny as I dust some red hair away from my eyes, finding that not one guy has asked me to be their date at the Yule Ball. Still, it seems that Hermione and Ginny are sorted, with my brother and Ron having trouble in that department, "how is it going getting a date?" Ginny then asks as I groan, slumping my shoulders at the mention of the date as I hang my head low on it, "it seems that not one guy will approach me. Are they scared of my brother, or is it me?" I tell the girls as we walk, then notice three Drumstag boys waiting for someone. Finally, one of them steps up to us. 

I stop when he is standing in front of me, pulling out a lily, which has my face go red on the flower with a big smile coming on my feature while looking up at the boy, who is quite cute as he bows his head to me in greeting which has my heart to quicken, "Lillian, will you be my date to the yule ball" he asks as I lick my lips looking at the girls who nod a little to accept as I turn my eyes back to the boy with a happy smile on my lips, "of course" I accept taking the lily as he then takes my hand in his making my heart to speed up as he kisses my knuckles. 

He then lets go of my hand, and I am standing there red when he bows, leaving with his mates as I turn to the girls who look to be pleased with what happened just then with the boy, "how sweet" Ginny tells me while taking my arm as we walk away to the study hall as I stroke the pedals of the flower with a little smile when we were entering the hall, I put the flower in my bag to look up noticing George looking at me as I smile a little at him which he matches when I am lead over to place with Hermione. 

I pull out my books to begin my studies, "This is mad. At this rate, we'll be the only ones in our year without dates." Ron comments as Snape passes, hitting Ron with some paper he is holding, which I watch him do with a raised brow, "Well, us and Neville!" Ron continues as I give him a little frown on him being mean to Neville, who is quite a kind guy, "But then again, he can take himself." Harry comments as I give him a pointed look, "Well, it might interest you to know that Neville's already going with someone." I tell the boys while I write in my workbook as I hear Ron gasp at the news about Neville, "Now I'm really depressed." Ron voices as I notice a note is flown over to Ron, which has me look up a little on the message, "GET A MOVE ON OR ALL THE GOOD ONES WILL HAVE GONE!" Ron reads quietly to us as I look over at the twins, which has me tilt my head at him, "Who are you taking?" Ron whispers for Fred to throw a paper at Angelica Johnson, who does not look pleased looking at the red-haired guy with a frown on her features. 

Fred does the actions of wanting to go together to the ball for her to nod on going with Fred, "yeah, sure", she answers quietly for my heart to sink in my chest that the boy I like is going with another girl. Oh, it hurts to even think like that. Fred winks at Ron and then smirks at me as I roll my eyes at him back to my work with me, holding in my tears, threatening to fall soon, "Well, Hermione, you're a girl." Ron comments to Hermione as I smile, noticing Snape coming, "Oh well, spotted." Hermione answers as I watch what is happening when Snape smacks Ron and Harry with the piece of paper again, making me try not to smile, "Come on. It's one thing for a bloke to show up alone. For a girl, it's just sad." Ron tells Hermione as I agape on this idiot, making me winch as I finish my work while packing up, "I won't be going alone because, believe it or not, someone's asked me." Hermione tells Ron as I go off with her to Snape while Hermione follows, handing in our work and returning to the boys to collect our bags with me, knowing Ron dug his own grave just then, "And I said yes." Hermione tells Ron that as we leave the hall feeling exhausted by the twins and Ron, they don't understand anything about girls and their feelings. 

I head back to the common room to sit there reading a book, not into this yule ball business, but all the girls are planning their outfits to the last detail, "Lillian, what are you wearing?" Hermione then asks, which draws me away from my book. 

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