Part 4

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3rd pov. The gang look at the creature in front of them shocked and scared. Rex: come on give me your best shot! Hiccup: everyone to your dragons! As the gang reach the skies they notice its gone. Everyone looks around stormfly quickly moves just in time as Rex almost hit Astrid. Astrid: woah easy there. Hiccup: everyone fire! They all take there chance to blast him was the fire dies down they see the wings of rex curled into a ball before he unfolds them at a beam of yellow fire shoots from his mouth. Astrid: everyone move! As they fall back seven more of the crew transform and take to the skies trying to hit them. Astrid: Hiccup we have to retreat there's just to many of them! Valka: agreed we can't risk our live or the lives of are dragons. Hiccup: everyone fallback! As the gang retreats the creatures go back to normal and sail away.             

We see an island being sailed two by three ships.    Serrater: this is were we open the portal now that I know what world were in we can begin are fun. C/r: general message from are emperor. Serrater: open the link. A crystal with a man inside who had scares appears and speaks to Serrater telepathically. (The emperors name is Serrater as well but for it to be easy to read will just call him emperor. Serrater: emperor why do you contact me. Emperor: to remind you that even tho your here to test this world remember to stay alert their could be rouge factions and other clans could be out there preparing to strike. Serrater: I understand we will. Emperor: good also try to make a new friend. Serrater: I don't think they will want to be a friend to us we are attacking them to test them to see how they would fair against our world. Emperor: just try to make a new friend okay. Serater: okay I'll try. Emperor: thank you goodbye for now. As the ships land the crew start getting supplies and start to build a camp. Xion: you know were being watched. Serrater:yes I can hear them make sure no one strays from camp. Xion: yes sir.

Timeskip two weeks.   The gang  was finished with repairs on berk. Hiccup alright repairs are done so we can finally go back to the edge and see if the Dragon eye has any information on who those people were that attacked.     Astrid: still can't believe it they grew wings and had Dragon scales on them and they could breath fire. Fishlegs: Hiccup i don't even know if the Dragon eye will have info on this after all viggo never brought them up and no Dragon Hunter ship ever mentions them. Hiccup: maybe but the Dragon eye is our only source that we know of that might tell us something.

Just as they were about to leave a Gobber calls to the gang. Gobber: Hiccup someone is here to see you its an emergency. The gang reach the great hall and see Heather and Windshear on Windshear back was throk one of the defenders of the wing.     Hiccup: Throk what are you doing here. Throk: Hiccup we need your help queen Mala sent me two weeks ago three ships appeared we thought they were hunters they started building there camp then two more came they were pretty damaged we thought we could take them but when we attacked they transformed they brought out metal giants that shot metal and fire. We retreated and were going to attack again every attack failed then a week ago ten more ships appeared . Queen Mala sent me to get you to see if you would help but on my way here a  ray of light hit the water and three more ships appeared they attacked me and destroyed my ship. They then brought me to an island and left me there I thought i would die then your friend Heather flew past the island and saw me and saved me.

Hiccup: you said two of there ships were damaged. Throk: yes why? Hiccup: did the two ships have a sail that looked half man half dragon? Throk: yes. Hiccup: two weeks ago berk was attacked by those same ships we need to capture one of them and question them which means were headed to the the wing come on Throk. Heather: I'll come with you sounds like you'll need all the help you can get. Hiccup: thanks. Valka: I'll stay in case more ships come. Stoic: be careful hiccup we don't know who these people are. Hiccup: we will dad alright gang let's go.

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