Part 3

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The sun rises on berk and the riders prepare to leave.                         Hiccup: alright gang ready. Astrid: yep everything is ready. Hiccup: alright let's go. Just as they prepare to leave the academy an explosion is heard. Fishlegs:what was that! Hiccup i don't know let's go check it out. Outside berk two ships with the Dragon Hunter sails were attacking offshore shooting catapults. Hiccup: dad are you ok. Stoic: I'm fine son but they did a number on are huts. Hiccup: how many ships. Stoic: shockingly only two but armed to the teeth. Gobber: Stoic the ships are preparing to fire again. Hiccup come on gang let's chase these ships away from Berk. Valka: I'll go with you just to be safe. 

Back on dragons edge. 3rd pov. Serrater: the attacks begun how's writing all the info they have going xion. Xion: everything is downloaded we are ready to leave. Serrater: good All forces retreat back to the ships we leave for the nearest island to set up the portal! C/r: yes sir all forces return to the ships we leave now.                                                                                                                                 

Back on berk.  3rd pov. The gang is now chasing down the two Dragon Hunter ships. Hiccup: this makes no sense why would viggo only send two ships. Snotlout: does it matter let's take them down and be done with it. Hiccup: no sometimes wrong we will take down the ships and take one prisoner for questioning. Astrid attacks from the side having stormfly spike the sails while the twins and Fishlegs deal with the crew while valka, Snotlout and hiccup take out the traps. Disguised Dragon hunter= D/d. D/d:aim for there saddles! An arrow manages to hit hiccups leg causing him to call as toothless goes after him valka fired a shot hitting the sail causing it to fall on the crew. As everyone goes to hiccup the ship changes.

As the gang and Valka look the ship changes the wood becomes metal and the sails change from a Dragon Hunter sail to an sail image with a man with his right side looking human and his left side his body is covered with scales and wing popping out his back on the left. Hiccup: what just happened. Fishlegs: the ship it changed and is metal. Astrid: how was s that possible. Hiccup: I don't know but we have to find out find one to bring back to berk. Tuffnut: weird  sail why would you choose that it makes no sense hehe. Ruffnut: yeah weird. Valka: wait do you hear that. Just then the gang here grunting.

Rex pov. 'My ship is burning i have failed Serrater and my crew these dragon riders dare make me fail they will pay!' 

3rd pov. The gang see one of these mysterious people come from the smoke. Astrid: who are you why did you attack berk! Hiccup: Astrid calm down he's wounded let's just take him in. Snotlout you sure we can't just ruff him up a bit. Fishlegs: he is already wounded we don't need to hurt him anymore. 

Rex: you heh will all pay. Astrid: for once i agree with Snotlout he still wants to fight he will cause trouble. All of a sudden he started laughing. Rex: prepare to whiteness are true power. The one known as red started to shake his body covered in scales wings came from his back. Snotlout: what is that! Rex: I was told not to kill you so I won't but I'll make it so you never forget this encounter ! Rex then let out a Dragon like roar so loud it could rival a thunderstorm.

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