Chapter 3 - Afghan Karaoke

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It wouldn't be a story about me if it isn't full of embarrassing and awkward moments. As if I needed to further add on to the sharm, I had to walk in at the same time as Darya.

As I walk in, Nadia comes to me and asks, "Sanam khob asti? Jor shudi?". I just nod and sit down with them.

"Sanam dear, do you need anything, maybe a drink?" asked Farah.

"Neh tashakor, I just needed something from my car and I drank water there too, thank you though."

As expected, Masud came and sat down next to me looking apologetic. "I am so sorry Sanam, hale ma namefaamidum ke tu eqa tarso budi.", he said. I just thought what's the point of him apologizing this way, he shouldn't be doing this. But I had to respond so I simply said, "Please don't do this again and there won't be any problems, okay?".

"Fine, mebakhshi dega namekunum.", said Masud and finally went back and sat with his cousins. I was glad his dumb apology didn't last long.

As everyone settled down and the sound system was finally prepared, Omed got up and asked, "Alright, everything is ready to go! Who wants to sing first?".

Farah quickly said, "Let's have the lovebirds sing first!".

Omed was happy at that request and came towards Nadia and asked her what song she was comfortable singing. Even though she initially resisted, he finally convinced her and she agreed to singing "Sultan-e-Qalbam".

They walked up ever so beautifully and sang their hearts out. The smiles they exchanged, the love their eyes held for each other, it truly was a lovely scene. I took pictures for memories and shed a few tears while doing so. I was so happy for them.

As their song ended, I put my phone down and Farah got up to ask who wanted to sing next. Masud and his fellow luchak cousins quickly got up and requested the dumbest song on the planet, Saboor Tabish "Qataghani". God how I wanted to shoot myself in the head. I couldn't bare to hear their stupid screams of "Ehhh dokhtar qataghani meraqsi.". And to nobody's surprise he pointed at me indirectly a lot while singing, I just wanted the floor to split open and for me to fall in it.

Thankfully it ended, and Omed said, "Before someone else decides to terribly scream for 3 minutes straight, let's have Darya sing us an Ahmad Zahir song of his choice."

All eyes went on Darya while his sister kept saying , "Yes go Darya! You can do it!". Darya didn't want to sing for some reason, but who could say no to the groom. So he got up and decided to sing, "Khabar Daari".

I obviously loved most Ahmad Zahir songs, but this was one of my favorite romantic songs of his without a doubt. The main lyrics' translation is enough to get anyone emotional. "Did you know that you are my belief, love, faith oh dear. Did you know that you are my pain, sadness, therapy, oh dear."

Darya cleared his voice and started to hum. I couldn't resist but stare and sing along. Each word, I said it together with him. "Khabar Daari, ke deen o eshqe o imaanam tuie jaana, ay jaana...". His voice was not like Ahmad Zahir's, but it held just as much emotion and pain. It felt so good that I froze and did nothing but sing along. I couldn't stop looking, it was too beautiful of a sight. At one point, our eyes locked while he was singing, "Aneeseh girya haye shaam e hejran am tuie jaana ay jaana...". I was astounded. My eyes started to tear up and I excused myself from Nadia to go to the restroom.

I splashed my face with cold water. My hands were cold and shaking. My face was burning and my cheeks were red. For some reason I couldn't pull myself together. Nadia came and weirdly looked at me. I asked her, "Nadia what is wrong with me? Why am I so overly emotional? Why can't I control my feelings?"

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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