chapter three

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The sweet morning sunlight shone through the cream coloured curtains, letting it's warm face onto the female who was lightly snoring in the bundle of sheets and pillows. Normally this would be a beautiful way to start the morning. However sleeping in was a great alternative to trying to forget last nights 'unique' circumstances.
Of course that was the plan.


"Oh come onnnnnn" a groan escaped y/n's mouth and her arm yanked the covers off as she forced herself up. She took the device off the nightstand in a bit of an unnecessary violent way. 'Who was calling on a Saturday morning?!'

• 8 missed calls•
•19 unread messages•

"Jeez lady" A small smile creeped across her once upset face.  Her legs swung over the mattress and she yawned while stretching out.  The phone began to ring and was quickly accepted and put on speaker.

"Girl I'm a bad bitch no one can kill me"
"Bb I'm a human too,I sleep"

Now in the kitchen, she put her phone down and began to brew a pot of coffee. y/n filled Grizzlys'  bowl up with fresh water and set it down on his mat.

"y/n, when do you fall asleep before 11 and stay asleep?"
"Ouch my feelings. I can be normal for once"
"PFFT, yeah okay."
"Hey what's that supposed to mean?"

Hoisting herself up on the cabinet she sat and watched the coffee brew while she spoke to her friend.

"Didn't you have nightshift last night? Shouldn't you be asleep?"
"Nah, I didn't have to go in"
"Ah cool,"
"I did have a date"
"Oooooooohhh was it that soo-hyun**  guy from the app?"
"Yeah it was supposed to be."
"Oh no, supposed to be?"
"I got stood up unfortunately ."
"Well fuck that guy, if he can't see your beauty and personality then he doesn't even need to look at you."
"Hey, watch your language! Also it's sorta my fault. He was pretty weird over messages but eh it's honestly whatever"
"Oh I'm sorry MoM"
"you better b-"


Y/n laughed out loud hopping down from the counter top.
" I thought we were supposed to not swear 'm A  a M' , also wear are you going?"
"Non of your business"
"Fine keep your secrets then."

Glasses clanked from the cupboard while she picked out her coffee mug that was placed behind other miscellaneous cups. The cars engine was shut off right after.

"Well I'm going to get off of here. I'll talk to you in a bit"
"Alrighty, bye bb"

•queen yeji✨ call disconnected•

The freshly brewed coffee was now being poured into the clear mug and a small portion of creme altering the colour slightly.

"Alexa. Shuffle playlist"
sweater weather began to play softly on the speakers.
Grabbing a small batch of fruits from the refrigerator, y/n began to rinse them off and put them on a plate humming along to the song.

'Head in the clouds but my gravity centered'

Grizzly wandered into the kitchen and sat right at his owners feet with a wag of his tail. Offering the Shepard a blueberry, he happily accepted and took it gently.

'And now, so let me hold
Both your hands in the holes of my sweater'

Grabbing the plate and cup, y/n made her way to the main room sitting in the corner chair also known as her 'safe space'. The sun had dimmed away and light small raindrops began to adorn the window.

'Inside this place is warm
Outside it starts to pour'

She ate her breakfast contently scrolling through social media. A knock at the door made her and Grizzlys' attention shoot right to it. Letting out a low bark he jumped up and crept to the door.

"Shh shh it's okay" a pat on his head had calmed him down enough to sit down. There was a knock again before y/n began to unlock it. Unfortunately the door doesn't have a peephole so she couldn't be exactly sure who to expect. But her guess was a package that was supposed to be delivered and signed for.

Peeking out, her eyebrows raised immediately. "Oh! It's you!"
Lo and behold , Chris , the man who had accompanied her on her walk home was standing at her door. "Uh Hi! Yeah it's me"
Grizzly was now trying to squeeze his head through between her legs and the door to get a better view of the new unfamiliar person.
"So whatcha doin here?" Y/n asked confused.
"Oh yes I'm sorry, I'm here to return this."
He reached into his pocket to pull out an ID. He gave the female the card and she looked it over and flipped it around.
"Oh! I hadn't realized it had gone missing. Thank you so much"
"it's no problem ! I noticed it when I was about to head to my place but when I grabbed it and looked up you were gone already so-" He gave a weird yet adorable smile.

'And it's too cold, it's too cold
The hands of my sweater'

"Thank you" a smile was painted on her face and Chris gave a polite nod.
Awkward silence once more.
"This is a long shot but you'd you like to get some coffee sometime?"
y/n hesitated and thought about it.
"Sure. Why not?"
"Oh my g- are you serious??" A big ol cheesy grin filled his face.

"Dead serious, how about you give me your number and I'll text you sometime this weekend to see if your free? Is that cool?"

"Yeah! Absolutely!" He cleared his throat and inhaled. "I mean yeah that's cool uh here is my number"
He told you the number and you write it on a back if an envelope with a random pen you found that was close to the door.
"Terrific! I'll give you a call and thank you again"
"It was really no problem! Have a good rest of your day y/n!"
"You too Chris, good bye."

Y/n shut the door and locked it , making her way back to her coffee, stuck staring at the number.

Bro be proud I actually wrote two things in one week .
For the ** please note I have no clue if this is a real person  so if it's someone irl I didn't have any intentions for it to be targeted towards them.
I need to practice my writing skills my gosh this sucks.


Word count:
1111 words

Word count:1111 words(Whattttt)

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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