What the hell?! How does he know that?!

"How d-"

"School gossip, my friend." he said with a casual shrug.

This enraged me. Do people not have anything better to talk about, so they target me and Mr. Armstrong. The audacity of these people-- they have some nerve!

"You seem to be thinking hard."

"It just upsets me, Garrett. I hate gossip and everything it brings upon people. You'd expect people to be more civilized than unruly."

"I agree with you one hundred percent, Suzy."

I sighed and looked down on my pizza. I lost my appetite, but I spent $2.50 on this. I can't waste it. Picking it up, I began to eat it. The bell signaling 5 minutes til the period was over rung. Everyone began to pack up their lunch and wait for the end of the period bell. Once it rung, everyone got up and left. 

"Alright guys, I'm out. I have Mr. Sexy Italiano next." said Angie with a wink.

Garrett and Guadalupe shared a laugh, but I didn't find any of it funny. In fact, I found it to be annoying.

"I have to go to class, sorry guys." I mumbled, dumping the plate into the garbage and carrying the bottle of water with me.

As I walked in the hallways to class, I met two people who I have been dying to see since over the summer.

"Oh. My. Gosh!" I squealed.

The twins looked back at me and they both mirrored the same look.

"Suzy!" they both cried hugging me.

"I missed you guys so much, I heard there was a hurricane in Jamaica!"

"Yeah!" said Bryce shaking his head, "Our flight was delayed for two weeks and one day. So must excessive days of school missed."

Cole nodded and squinted his eyes.

"Where's your glasses?"

"I just stopped using them, I sit in the front of most of my classes."

The late bell rang and I rolled my eyes.

"Great, we're late."

"It's cool." said Cole running his fingers through his hair, "We'll catch you later?"

"Hopefully, I have work tonight."

They both frowned at me and Bryce sighed.


"I know. Look, I'll catch you both later." I said putting a smile on my face and rushing to my next class.

When school was over, I went to work.

"Roxxy my girl!" said Lucy with a smirk.

I know that smirk, she's going to want me to do something I don't want.

"What, Lucy?"

"Remember that stranger?"

"What str-"

"Yeah, well he's here and he wants you to blow him."

"What the fuck?!" I yelled angrily.

"Nothing bad, right? You've done it plenty of times, he's also paying $1,000 for it."

My heartbeat sped. $1,000 for a blowjob? A blowjob? I closed my eyes and sighed. That's my rent right there...

"Well?" said Lucy, her smirk growing.

How to get an A [TeacherxStudent] .:COMPLETE:.Where stories live. Discover now