Chapter 2

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Hiii welcome back!

Louis followed the school's principal up the luxurious stairs to the boy's dorms.

On the way to Louis room, they passed six other two-wing doors, made from dark wood.

Every step he walked he felt his nervousness grow; what if he didn't like the other boys? What if they didn't like him? What if they were absolutely boring and went to sleep at nine o'clock every day?

Just as he was ready to turn around and walk straight back home to Cheshire, he heard the headmaster call after him:

"Louis? Where are you going boy? Nervous to meet your roommates? You don't have to, I promise I chose a nice group of boys for you."

As much as he wanted it to be another way, he really started liking his principal. She didn't seem as bad as his old, red-headed, angry little principal. No, she was an elegant elderly lady, almost like his grandmother.

They finally arrived at his room and the principal opened the doors.

He stayed back a bit, hesitant wether to to walk straight in or wait outside.

This decision was taken off him when the principal called out for him:

"Louis, dear, are you gonna come in and meet these lovely boys?"

Slowly he entered the room, his shoulders sunk down with eyes on his feet. Even though he wasn't as shy normally, he was now feeling the pressure of being introduced to three of his (hopefully) new friends.

Louis looked up and made eye contact with one of the boys. He noticed the grass-green eyes and dimples, before quickly looking away.

He then realised there were three other pairs of eyes turned towards him, a blonde lad with blue eyes and a taller guy with brown hair and eyes.

He didn't really take any of it in though, still thinking about the first boy with the green eyes.

At this point the principal raised her voice and started introducing the boys to each other:"Louis, your new roommates. Niall, Liam and Harry. Boys, this is Louis he will live with you from now on. Please let me know if there are any issues, I'll be in my office."

And on that note she left Louis by himself in a room full of boys.

They stood in silence, looking at each other with awkwardness, until Harry stepped forward, closer to Louis. He immediately got nervous, his hands going sweaty. As Harry came closer, Louis could smell his scent, something with vanilla...

Harry started talking in a deep, soothing slow voice, telling Louis that they had two double rooms, a tiny kitchen, a shared bathroom and a living room with two sofas.

Louis didn't know how to feel when Harry told him that he would be sharing a room with him, he feared he wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing Harry to be that close to him.

He didn't know where these thoughts were coming from, he didn't find Harry attractive. He didn't. Find. Harry. Attractive. It must've been the long drive to princess park...

He then followed Niall, the blonde guy that laughed a lot, and Liam, a tall guy with short brown hair (and of course Harry) around their room. He noticed the deep red sofas and the dark wooden furniture, their room was really more like a tiny flat.

They finally arrived in Louis' new room, two wide beds next to each other, with about 1m space in between. They also were made from massive wood, covered by bedsheets the same colour as the sofas in the living area.

He then get mit informed that they had to share one wardrobe, which shouldn't be a problem as there was plenty of space. Turning around, he faced another door, wondering where it led to.

Liam must've seen the curiosity in his eyes, he opened the door with a sneaky smile and waved Louis forward to enter the room first. He found himself in a bathroom with bathtub, shower and two sinks, all as luxurious as the rest of the school.

Niall opened one of the two (!) remaining doors out of the bathroom, one leading into the hallway, the other into the room of Niall and Liam.

To his demonstration Niall added: "we have to share a bathroom, which is bullshit. Whenever I need to pee either one of these idiots is in here and I have to wait. So I hope you aren't planning on long baths, otherwise I'll just come in and pee right next to you."

With that they finished the tour around the rooms and decided to go back to the living area. The others decided to have a little Q&A with and for Louis, asking him about everything; his favourite food (chicken wrapped in Parma with some homemade mash), his hobbies (soccer) and many more.

He learned about his roommates and that Liam had a fear of spoons, immediately noting that information for later purposes.

The time had flown away and it was already going dark when the boys decided to go downstairs and have dinner. They entered the canteen, where about 200 students were sitting, some almost finished eating while others had only just started.

They sat down in their allocated seats and ate their food.

Louis was relieved that his first day had gone that well, all the boys seemed to be nice and he started to like the school, even though he already missed his mother and Zayn.

Back upstairs, they prepared themselves for bed, Louis learning on the hard way, that the bathroom doors didn't have any locks. He was just brushing his teeth when Niall entered, not caring about him, and went straight to the toilet.

Louis mentally prepared himself to lie next to Harry for the first time tonight, what he would look like in his pyjamas? After watching some tv for about an hour they finally went to bed.

The beds turned out to be surprisingly comfortable, Louis decided he would never in his whole life get back up again. He wished Harry a goodnight and almost immediately fell asleep. A long day had passed and tomorrow was going to be his first school day at princess park.

Chapter 2 to my fanfic, leave a comment, I'd love to hear your opinions on it.
Goodnight, maddy xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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