Chapter 13: Back to our Roots

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Buckle up this is a long one

Sam's POV

Colby and I took a two-week break from exploring to rest and spend time with our families and each other. It really helped the both of us to reset and feel like exploring again. We decided to go back to the warehouse, with Nate, the place where we spent most of our school years. I pack up our camera and equipment and head out to meet Colby and Nate at the gas station. I get there and walk up to them. We greet each other and then head to Nate's car. He drives us to the warehouse. We arrive and begin the walk to the warehouse.

The whole walk to the warehouse, Colby is keeping us entertained and I can't help but smile and laugh at his actions. I meet Nate's eyes and see him looking at me with a knowing smile on his face. Colby keeps walking but Nate stops me.

"You love him don't you?" he asks me.

"What-t? no!"

"Sam, it's okay. You can tell me," he says.

"I'm-m gay. And I think I love colby," I stutter out.

"You think?"

"I'm not sure yet. It's all so confusing. Just don't tell Colby please" I say.

"Don't worry, I won't," he says.

Just then, Colby comes back and we both start walking again. I catch Colby's eye and see that he looks a combination of worried and suspicious. Ten minutes later, we arrive at the warehouse. Nate enters and I start to follow him but Colby stops me.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"Yes," I answer and walk in, Colby following me in.

We explore the warehouse for a bit, reminiscing about all of our time here. We reach the entrance to the roof. Colby and I look at each other, remembering all the long talks up there. Colby takes my hand and turns to Nate.

"Sam and I are going up to the roof. Do you want to join us?"

"I'm going to explore some more down here. I'll see you in a bit," Nate says.

Colby nods and leads me up the roof. We sit down next to each other. I wrap my arms around my knees. Colby leans back on his hands and looks out over the field at the sunset. He sighs, running his fingers through his hair.

"You okay Colbs?" I ask.

He smiles and says, "I wish we could say in this moment forever. You know, just you and me. No cameras, no one else around."

"I get it, I feel that way too sometimes. Things have gotten crazy in our videos. I'm glad we get this chance to reset and relax," I say.

He's silent for a while and I worry that I've said something to upset him. It's weird because I was always able to read him. Could he have picked up on something? My thoughts are becoming jumbled and I start to feel dizzy, a sure sign that my anxiety is making an appearance. I feel a pair of hands grab mine and intertwine our fingers together. This simple action calms me down and my vision starts to clear.

"Sammy, what's on your mind?"

I hesitate, worrying about his reaction to what I'm thinking about, who I am.

"I-I," I start, trailing off as my courage fails.

He continues to hold my hands in his, giving them a small squeeze, "It's okay. You can tell me anything but if you aren't ready, that's okay. I don't want you to feel forced to tell me anything you aren't ready for."

His understanding and reassuring tone gives me my courage back. "I'm gay," I whisper, almost inaudibly but I know he hears me.

He's silent for a few minutes and I start to worry again. Tears fill my eyes as I worry that he doesn't accept me. My best friend and he doesn't accept me.... Then I feel his arms wrap around me, pulling me into his chest. I hear his heartbeat, strong and steady, and it calms me.

"I'm so proud of you Sam. and I love you. I support you no matter what," he says.

I break down then, the tears that were filling my eyes become full sobs. He rubs my back as I sob uncontrollably. I wish I could tell him how much his words mean to me but I can't get the words out clearly.

"Colbs-s, I"

"Shh, I know Sam," he says, holding me tighter. We stay that way until Nate comes up to roof and we film the outro, promising to come back and stay overnight.

Colby and I spend the next two weeks together. It feels like everything has been reset between us and we're closer than ever.

2 weeks later

Colby's POV

We're returning to the warehouse tonight, this time to stay overnight. We hear a lot of noises while walking and upon entering. I don't like this at all. I have a feeling that something will go wrong tonight.

"Colbs? You alright?"

"I-I don't like this, something bad is going to happen," I say.

"Hey, we'll stay together, I will be by your side. Come here," he says, opening his arms to me.

I hug him and start to relax a little bit. We walk further in and head to what we call the murder room. When we enter, an uneasy feeling comes over me and the others state that they feel it too. We look around for a bit then the door slam behind us. We run out and all the doors start slamming all over. We flee to the roof and decide to wait on sunrise up there. Nate heads to the edge of the roof to take some pictures and relax.

Sam and I sit on the roof together.

"That was insane man," he says.

"I know, I've never been so scared," I say, shaking slightly.

"Hey, it's okay. We're safe up here," he says, pulling me into his arms.

We stay that way for a bit until he speaks up again, "Feeling better?" he asks.

"Yeah. Thank you," I say, sitting up and meeting his eyes.

He starts to lean in and so do I. But then, Nate yells from the other side of the roof.

"Guys, come check this out!"

We spring apart and walk carefully over to him. He's pointing at some deer have come onto the property. We stand side by side watching the deer as the sun starts to rise.

Sam's POV

When the deer leave, I set up the camera to film our outro. Colby starts the recap of what we went through tonight. All through the outro, I pay attention to his actions, worried about him. We end the video and head out to get breakfast. We order and eat in silence before heading back to my house. I turn on a movie and Colby falls asleep in my arms. Shortly after I fall asleep too, my arms wrapped around Colby still. 

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