Chapter 10: New experiences

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2 weeks later

Sam's POV

Right now I'm packing for the TFIL trip to New Zealand. I'm excited for this trip for several reasons. First off, I've never been to New Zealand. Secondly, I'm going to be with my best friends. Thirdly, Colby will be there.

Lately, things between Colby and I have felt different, like more than friendship. Sure, we have always been super close, I mean we practically grew up together. But I don't think this is just friendship anymore. So I'm excited but also worried because what if these feelings aren't just friendship. What if it is more? Then what? Do I tell him? What if things get weird between us?

A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts.

"Sammy?" I love it when he calls me that.

"Yeah, Colbs?"

"You ready? Elton says it's time to go," he answers.

I grab my bag and leave my room, turning off the light. Colby and I walk downstairs to meet the others. Aaron agreed to drive us to the airport so we all head out to his car. We make it the airport with plenty of time to spare and grab our bags, thanking Aaron.

-Time Skip-

The plane lands and we deplane, heading to get our bags. Elton picks up the rental car while we wait outside for him. He drives us to the RV park and parks the car, getting the keys for the RV. We all climb inside and check out the RV. It turns out that there is only three beds so two of us will have to share. Colby offers for us to share, first looking at me for approval, since as he said, we've shared a bed before. Elton takes the rental to get us some food while we sit at the table and talk. Elton returns with the food and we eat in comfortable silence, everyone being tired and jetlagged. When all the food is gone and Corey and Elton have gone to bed, Colby offers his hand to me and we walk to the bed together. We both lay down fully clothed, being too tired to change.

-The next morning-

I wake up with Colby's arms wrapped around me. I lay there for a minute, feeling comfortable and safe in his arms. Colby wakes up about a half hour later when Elton starts yelling for us to get up because he has food and a day planned for us.

Each day passes in similar fashion until Elton mentions some abandoned locations he has found and wants to visit. Colby and I agree wholeheartedly while Corey seems a little worried. We eventually convince him to join us and we head to the first location Elton found. It's an abandoned ancient war ground that was also an asylum. I don't know what I thought it would be but it is very destroyed and caved in. We continue with the video though and climb inside. There are spiders everywhere and it's hard to breathe. We decide to make this exploration quick so we can get out without incident. Unfortunately, it doesn't work out that way. As we are leaving, Elton gets bit by a spider and we aren't sure if it's poisonous so we bring him to urgent care, scared for him. We all are checked for bites just in case because the spider was poisonous. Thankfully, none of the rest of us were bit and Elton was able to get an antidote so he's okay too.

Colby and I stay up talking that night.

"That was terrifying," I say.

"Yeah, it was. I'm just glad he's alright and no one else got bit, especially you. I don't know what I would do if I lost you," he says, pulling me in for an unexpected hug.

"You don't have to worry about that. I'm not going anywhere, I swear," I say.

"Good. Now let's go to bed," he says, pulling me into his arms again.

"Colbs?" I say, sitting up to look at him.

He removes his arms from my waist and sits up too. "Sorry, should've asked," he says.

"No, it's okay. I just wanted to be able to look at you while we talk," I say.

"Oh okay, so I can hold you?" he asks with a chuckle.

"All night if you want to."

"Come here," he says, holding out his arms.

I collapse into them and close my eyes. 

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