Chapter 9: worse?

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Sam's POV

I'm worried that this might be our worst exploration video yet. I don't know why I have this feeling. I don't know if it's the name entrance to hell or the fact that weird things have been happening to us. Either way, I'm scared to do this video. I can't tell Colby any of this and I don't understand why because I used to be able to tell him everything. A knock sounds on my door.

"You ready Sam?" Colby asks.

"I suppose..." I whisper almost inaudibly.

"What was that Sam?" Colby asks.

"I'll be ready in a minute," I respond.

Colby's POV

Something in Sam's voice makes me worried. Not about the video and exploration but about him. I don't think he has been sleeping lately and that really worries me. He comes out of his room after a few minutes and I try to push those thoughts out of my mind. We meet Elton downstairs and leave to pick up Matt. We arrive at Matt's house and he gets in the backstreet of the car with Elton. I drive to the entrance and we all get out. We start walking, me in the lead.

Sam's POV

Colby leads the way to the entrance to hell and we all follow him. I can't deny that the forest and the dark path creep me out a little. It seems like the path goes on forever and I start to feel uneasy. I catch up to colby and follow directly behind. Some time passes and I swear I can see Colby start to tense up.

"What's up Colby?" I whisper.

"I-I think, I'm not sure where we are," he whispers back.

I squeeze his hand and say, "you have the email with the directions right? Just check that."

He nods and pulls out his phone. A few seconds pass and he whispers, "okay, we're going the right way."

I nod and we keep walking. We finally make it there and start to explore. After about 30 minutes, Colby stops and turns to me.

"Where's Elton?" he asks, worried.

Matt and I look around quickly but he is nowhere to be seen. What if something happened to him? We call his name and retrace our steps but he is still nowhere to found. I start to get increasingly worried.

I say quietly, "we never should have come here."

"What's that supposed to mean Sam?!"

"This is dangerous! Elton is literally missing right now!"

"I know that! But relax, he's probably hiding to scare us," he responds.

Just then, Elton jumps out from his hiding place, screaming. I start to feel annoyed then.

"Seriously Elton?! Why aren't you taking this seriously? This place is haunted and you think it's funny to scare us?"

"Chill out Sam, he was just messing around," Matt says.

That sends me over the edge and I storm out the way we came in. A few minutes later, they all come out of the cave. The others move away from me but Colby stays.

"Sam, what's wrong?" Colby asks.

"That place scared me," I stutter out.

"Why didn't you say anything?" He asks, concerned.

"I don't-t know, I just didn't want to ruin anything," I say.

"Sammy, if you are ever scared; please tell me and we'll leave." He says.

"Guys, do you hear that?" Elton says.

We pause to listen and that's when we hear the howls.

"Oh shit, is that coyotes?" I ask, worried.

Colby grabs my hand and as quickly as we dare, we leave. After what seems like forever, we finally make it back to the car safely. Elton offers to drive and Colby hands him the keys. Elton unlocks the car and we all climb in, Colby and I in the backseat. I look down and notice that my hands are shaking. Colby notices too and takes my hand in his.

He whispers softly to me, "You're okay. We're okay, safe."

I feel my eyes closing and next thing I know Colby is carrying me into the house and up to my room. I start to stir in his arms and he looks down at me.

"We're almost at your room Sammy," he says.

I shake my head. "No-o yours," I say with a yawn.

He chuckles and brings me into his room and lays me down on his bed. He takes his shirt off and curls up next to me. 

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