Chapter 8: Bad...

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Colby's POV

Today, Sam and I are exploring a dam called Devil's Gate that I found. I told Sam all about it and he seems kind of nervous but it will be fine. Nothing will happen to us, right? I drive us to the dam and park the car. I get out but notice that Sam hasn't gotten out yet. I walk around to his side of the car.

"Sam?" I ask after opening his door.

"sorry, just give me a minute," he answers back.

"Sam, what's going on?" I question.

"Just give me a minute," he snaps back.

I nod and close the door. He gets out a few minutes later and I go to turn on the camera but he stops me.

"Colby, wait," he says, grabbing my hand.

"What Sam?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you," he says.

"It's fine, let's just go," I say.

Sam's POV

Colby turns on the camera and starts explaining the background of the dam. I can't help but worry that he's mad. But I try to put it out of my mind for the video. We walk down the stairs and climb down the ladder to the dam. We stand at the entrance and listen to the echo of our voices. For some reason, it scares me because it doesn't sound like our voices. Colby starts to walk inside the dam and I follow not wanting to be left alone outside of the dam. When we get inside and start walking, I swear that I see something moving and wonder out loud if there is someone there. Colby reassures me and we continue on.

"Colby!" I call after him and hear him running back towards me.

"What is it? Are you hurt?!"

"I think-k something grabbed me," I say.

He turns off the camera. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, I felt something tug at my pant leg and there's nothing here that it would catch on!" I say, becoming somewhat hysterical.

He pulls me into his arms and I collapse into the hug.

"Do you want to leave?" he asks after I calm down.

I shake my head, "no, let's just make it quick please."

He agrees and we continue on along the path. We make it to the actual dam and to my horror, there's water coming out the sides. To make things worse, Colby says that this is where the water drains out. It seems like the dam is about to burst so we run out...

Thankfully, we make it back to the car after taking a wrong turn. We get home safely and start to go inside when Colby stops me.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"You were quiet the whole way home," he says.

"Do you realize how dangerous that was? We could have died!"

"Yeah Sam, I know. How do you think I would feel if something happened to you?!

"I don't know, Colby! We don't talk about that stuff!"

"Well maybe we should," he mutters.

I scoff and walk into the house.

"Sam, wait," I hear him call after me.

I stop in my tracks and turn around.


"I'm sorry okay?" he says, voice breaking and I'm surprised to see tears in his eyes.

"Colbs-" I say, walking back to him and pulling him into my arms. "It's okay, we're safe," I whisper.

Once he calms down, we head inside to go to bed, each to our separate rooms. 

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