A small smile grows on my lips as I look up at him. "Well then, luckily she's old enough to make her own decisions."

His eyes are about to shoot bullets at me, but Michelle pushes past him and quickly stand next to me. "I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" He simply nods at his daughter's statement, knowing he won't win this and closes the door after giving me the stink eye. Michelle pulls me along with her as she makes her way to my car before climbing into the passenger seat. I take a seat behind the wheel and turn to her with a raised brow. "Tomorrow?"

She simply smiles and nods. "Yes, I was hoping I could stay the night. Either at the Bangtan Home or your own apartment." I simply nod, turn the key in the ignition and drive away from her parent's house. I allow her to play with the radio and chuckle ones she stops at a station that's playing one of our songs from the Persona album.


Dinner was absolutely delicious, like always. Jin and Yoongi were the ones who cooked today, Namjoon tried to help but eventually Yoongi hyung banned him from the kitchen.

"Let's all take a seat in the garden! It's nice outside and we can make a bonfire."

Everyone agrees with the youngest of our group and I stall Michelle for a minute so they can grab the present and hide it with one of them.

"It's weird, isn't it?"

I turn to face her, her question startling me as I was supposed to keep her from walking away and wasn't expecting her to start a conversation with me. "What's weird?"

A sigh escapes her lips as she hides her face behind the palms of her hands. "I just wish it wasn't the last dinner. That we had more time to spend together instead of our busy schedules that don't even allow us to see each other once a week."

I sigh as well and take a seat next to her on the couch, immediately wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. With my other hand, I remove her hands from her face so I can see those beautiful eyes of hers. "There's nothing to worry about jagi, we'll see each other more than enough. I'll make sure we do." She smiles up at me, it's not a genuine smile.. but at least it's there.

By now the guys must have grabbed our present, so I get up from the couch and hold out my hand for her to take. "Come on, let's join the others and make that smile a real one." She giggles and takes my hand, I pull her up and lead her to our garden. The guys have lit up the fire and placed a couple of chairs around it. We both take a seat and random conversation starts. Each and everyone of us is sad about the fact we won't see her on a daily basis anymore, but at the very least we can still keep in contact and keep meeting her. And she's my girlfriend, so I'll definitely try to see her at least once a week!

And she's right, our schedules will make it incredibly hard to see much of each other.. but I'm willing to fight for us and so is she. She's a successful interior designer, especially now that she can add her job at BigHit on her resume. I'm an idol and I doubt things will get any less busy than they already are. But we're willing to fight for our relationship and that's what matters.

After about half an hour, the group goes quiet as the seven members of BTS share a look with each other. It's time to give her our surprise gift.

"Michelle, we wanted to thank you for all the work you've done. All seven of us truly love our studio's and it has become a calming space where we can really get our work done. We can relax, we can write and compose, it even inspires us." Michelle looks at Hoseok as he says these words and I can see tears glaze over her eyes. I take a hold of her hand, wanting to sooth her. She simply sends me a smile and wipes away a fallen tear from her cheek.

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