Chapter Thirty-one

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The days spent getting everyone grounded and busy preparing for the coming war went smoothly. Though admittedly there were still a few fights, nothing that each of the section heads couldn't handle.

My focus was solely on our plans going forward. I spent most of my time around the four of them, questioning what we will be doing next and how we are going to deal with each of them in more detail.

Honestly, the option of considering the Vastayans is a dangerous one that might just end up leading to the death of me - but I will be having Ahri by my side and I hope that when they see her that they can trust me because she trusts me.

I hope at least.

The easiest is seeing if we can dissuade the local law enforcement from stopping our approach and bonus points if they end up working with the rest of us. I will be having Kai'Sa with me on that specific operation - something about having some history with them.

The hardest by far is getting the Kinkou and Shadow order to work with each other and me. They both want the same thing and finding that certain something is walking into a death trap. Akali said she would be siding with me.

Honestly, it's for the best because she knows them better than anyone else.

Kai'Sa has already gathered her team that will be supporting us with our efforts in the city - as expected Yukihime will be coming along as the rest of her people are trying to add more of the Yakuza into our ranks.

I approach Kai'Sa, "How are we looking?"

"We won't be having the field team helping us out so I gathered a few volunteers in case something may go south," she twists her lips to the side, "We will be cutting through here and hopefully meet them without them stopping us in our tracks."

"Here is hoping that fate is on our side," I remark, "You said you had some experience, friends of yours?"

She nods, "We worked together a few years ago. Nothing ended in a terrible fashion so I am hoping that they can return a few favors. That is if we ever need to use that card."

"With me around it makes everything all the sweeter," I chuckle, "Just have to make sure we don't spook them."

She then returns her gaze back to what she was working on, "I think we are hoping for to much. There are already a few people on the verge of abandoning their stations and I fear they might do it the moment the shit hits the fan."

"Is this about me?"

She nods, "Sadly. I guess I can understand where they are coming from," she sighs crossing her arms, "Not everyone has Evelynn's foresight or Akali's instincts. The rest have to go on facts and sorry to say there isn't much trust going around," she looks at me through the corner of her eye, "No offense to you."

"None taken," I then gesture behind me, "I will be getting ready then. See you in a bit?"

She smiles at me, "We will be waiting out front when you are ready... or the other way around."

She turns to leave as I do the same. Yukihime won't let me go out without her so I should let her know.

Approaching her she instantly lifts her gaze to meet my eyes. She gives me a firm nod as she goes to gather all her equipment.

Looks like she already knows what is happening, I will fill her in as we wait for Kai'Sa near the front gate. She steps closer with her equipment, the katana she always has by her side that was given to her - it was a gift to me from my father which I gave to her as a gesture of loyalty and she has kept it by her side.

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