Chapter eight

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"Jordy?" she walks sides next to the table, "I am almost certain you don't enjoy reading at all..."

I roll my eyes still looking at the book, he only came here because he knows that she was still planning on talking to me. Considering we didn't get a chance yesterday she would probably want to do it now.

"I figured I should have followed your lead and try and be friendly towards our guest."

"By reading with him?" she then shakes her head and then settles her gaze onto me, "Sorry about that. Do you mind if we have that talk now or?"

I drop my eyes to the book, reading the last sentence, This suit makes me feel like a damned mafia boss. I chuckle at it, funny how people think you have to dress and walk a certain way to be a boss of this sort.

Shutting the book I then give her my full attention, "Sure."

She then furrows her brow, "I can always swing by later, it seemed like you were enjoying whatever you were reading."

I shake my head, "I am just keeping myself busy," I then look around, this is their library section. I am completely surprised that they even have something like this, "Maybe swap rooms. This hardly seems like an appropriate place."

She nods then gesturing to one of the hallways of the facility, leaving the book on the table I follow her, "We can go to the recreational area. It is pretty much where everyone hangs around if they got nothing better to do."

Jordan then rushes past me, his shoulder bumping into me, he looks over his shoulder squinting his eyes and pulling a face as if he is saying my bad.

I then chuckle at myself, "I don't recall saying we can have an audience."

She pouts as she stops near the entrance to the room we were headed to, "WIll it really be that bad? I mean I don't intend to ask anything too personal to you."

I shrug, "But it might just end up flowing towards that direction and I don't think I am too keen on having to go through it a second time."

She then tilts her head, then looking back at Jordan who then lifts his hands up in defeat, "Fine fine, I get it. Try to not have too much fun," he says as he walks into the room, he fully intends to keep an eye on us.

I then turn to her, "You shouldn't have to put up with that."

She gives me a quizzical stare, "I beg your pardon?"

"Him, Jordan. He seems incredibly insecure about your relationship, at the very least he can trust you-"

She interrupts me, "I know. He just gets like that sometimes, I don't think it is about being insecure or anything of the sort."

I then cross my arms over my chest, leaning against the wall, "You don't deserve-"

She clearly getting fed up with the conversation, "You think you know what I deserve?"

I cant deal with this, I can feel the cogs in my head gain rust. Rubbing the bridge of my nose, letting out a sigh I push myself off of the wall and step into the room, "You deserve to be comfortable and that your partner won't question your validity every second you spend breathing behind his back."

We sit down near one of the tables, she sits across from me holding her gaze onto Jordan who is seated amidst a group of operatives. The exact same group I saw when I came in that surrounded Akali... but no Akali.

I turn to her, seeing as her mood is ruined I then try to spark the conversation to get her mind off of it, "Then? You wished to know of me. I find it surprising that someone would willingly go out of their way to do so. Are you more curious about how my father acknowledged I existed when I turned ten or how my mother is secretly running the Yakuza?"

Saved by Idols (K/DA x Male Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora