Chapter seven

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Day three

It has been two days. To my surprise when I woke up yesterday everyone was missing. I imagined it had to something with the war that is going on. Right now... I don't have an idea where their allegiances lie. 

Highest bidder maybe? That only depends on what they are offering and what you want. 

From what I understand and what I got from the news, there were four separate attacks. One was in our territory and the rest just outside of it. Massive firefights with relatively large casualties. Though they are all mostly on one side. 

As of now, it seems like they are throwing the weaker groups at us. Thawing out our resources and getting rid of other groups in the process. I wanted to call someone, anyone but none of them answered. I fear they are too busy throwing their lives away to even notice what is going on around them.

To feel so powerless, I hate it.

My thoughts then shift onto Evelynn; something about that woman doesn't sit right with me. She is the type of person that always has a plan, a grand scheme that she works on through the shadows, and in the end, it always works out the way she planned.

What is her plan now? 

From what I can tell it just seems like she is trying to be nice by taking my side and giving me what little advice she is willing to offer to not make it seem too obvious. Does she only wish to gain my trust? A favor from the Yakuza? 

I somehow believe that that isn't quite right. Maybe I am just looking too deeply into it. 

The knocking on my door then pulls my gaze away from the computer, climbing out the chair the door slides open to reveal Ahri, "Hey, got a minute?"

I shrug, "Not like I got much to do around here anyway."

She chuckles awkwardly, "Right... anyway. I came to let you know that your father gave us a deadline and you will be back with them in six more days," she smiles at me, "I met with him yesterday and we all agreed that it would be best if we cut communications up until then to ensure that there are no issues with your transfer."

That would explain why no-one answered my calls... but even Yukihime? She would break orders in an instant when it comes to me.

"Six days huh?" I then chuckle to myself, "Seems like I will be out of your hair pretty soon. Did he pay in full?"

She shakes her head, "The rest comes through the moment he knows you are safe and within his custody."

I nod, "Thank you for the update."

She smiles at me, "I hope you enjoyed your stay here," she gives a warm smile before leaving my room, not giving me the chance to thank her again.

She doesn't seem too keen on my presence. I wouldn't be either, I am just trouble, and trouble in these trying times are just a death wish. I rate she just doesn't want to get caught in a crossfire where she needs to defend from both sides.

The side that hired her and the side that wishes their opposition would just die.

***   Ahri POV   ***

Pressing the button on the elevator, I step inside and the panel lights up with the name 'echo'. 

"Take me to operations Echo."

"Operatives Akali, Kai'Sa, and Evelynn are already present."

I nod, "Thank you for the update, Echo. Is everyone there?"

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