Stark-Steve Rogers

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Imagine- Tony gives you, his sister, his company to run so he could be with his family and you get a visit from Steve.
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Breaking News.
Famous Billionaire Tony Stark has publicly announced he would be taking a temporary leave and is leaving Stark Industries to an unknown person.

Steve watched as the title came up on the news.

"Hey Nat, did you see the news?" He called out to Natasha who walked into the room.

"Yeah I did. Who do you think it is that Stark left the company to?" She asked.

"I don't know. Rhodes maybe?" Steve suggested.

"Probably not. He would have announced that if it was him. It's got to be someone else," Natasha said.

"You guys tying to find out who Stark put in charge," Sam asked, walking in.

Both Steve and Natasha nodded.

"Why don't we just go visit the tower to find out?" Sam suggested.

"Yeah. Why not," Natasha agreed and Steve nodded.

The trio left to the car to find out who the new temporary owner of Stark Industries.

*Time skip brought to you by Jarvis*

"Hey Friday, can you bring up the holograms of the last model I was working on?" You call out to the AI.

"Of course boss," she answered.

A hologram of a bookshelf came up on the screens in front of you.

"Thank you," you said back to her, looking at the picture.

"Alright. If I move this here and modify that then it should work a bit better. If that doesn't work then I rearrange the wiring here," you muttered to yourself as you moved things around in the model, "alright. Friday run that through a test and see if that would work."

The AI ran it through a model as you teleported yourself to the kitchen to grab a drink before teleporting back.

"Results?" You asked, sitting in your chair.

"Failed test run," Friday answered.

You sighed, "alright then. To the wires," you murmured, rearranging the wires there to make it work.

"Boss. There's someone at the main entrance," Friday alerted you.

You furrowed your eyebrows. Who could possibly be here? It couldn't be Tony or Pepper because Friday wouldn't have alerted you then. Are you meeting someone? 

"Do I have a meeting or appointment I forgot about?" You questioned.

"No boss, you have nothing in your schedule today. Would you like me to bring up the front security cameras?" Friday suggested.

"Yes please."

You moved your chair over to another set of screens where the security cameras were brought up.

Three people were there. One blonde guy. A redhead and a black guy.

"Friday, who are these people?" You asked.

"They are Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff and Sam Wilson," she answered, bringing up mini files on them.

"Oooooh," you dragged out, "what are they doing here?"

"Would you like me to bring them in?"

"Yes, but keep them in the lobby. And activate hidden mode."

"Of course boss."

Friday let them in and turned a few of the lights off.

"Let's go see what they want," you muttered before teleporting to the lobby area, keeping in the shadows.

You hid in the shadows as the people in front of you looked around awkwardly.

"Um, Friday. When is someone going to see us," the blonde guy, Steve, asked.

"Boss will come out when they are ready," Friday says, giving away no gender identity to who you might be.

You lifted a glowing ball of power above your hand, drawing there attention to where you were hidden in the shadows.

"Why are you here?" You said, getting straight to the point.

"We came to meet the new temporary owner of the tower. We knew Tony personally," Natasha said, stepping closer to you.

"How personal," you asked, still suspicious.

"We were avengers," Sam answered.

"Friday?" You called, looking for confirmation.

"It is true boss," she answered. You nodded your head.

"Alright. Tell me one thing about Tony no one else would know," you asked, making sure they weren't imposters.

Steve clearly sighs.

"Tony was dying of shrapnel from his arc reactor at one point in his life, not long after getting it," Natasha answered.

You nod, letting the light ball fizz out. It was enough confirmation for you.

"Friday, deactivate hidden mode," you called.

"Deactivating Hidden mode," she complied.

The lights turned back on and the trio were stunned to see you. Steve was absolutely speechless at your beauty.

"Follow me," you gestured, walking towards the stairs to the next level.

The trio looked at each other before following. They followed you to the stairs and to a kitchen area where you were making coffee for them.

"So is there anything you need," you asked them after a bit of silence.

"We really just came to see who would run Stark Industries when Tonys gone," Natasha answered.

"Yeah, who are you exactly?" Sam asked.

Steve stayed speechless, still looking like a fish out of water, as he wasn't able to comprehend words at the moment.

"I'm Tony's sister. Well, adopted," you answered, handing the cups of coffee to them.

"Why keep you a secret," Natasha asked while taking a sip of the coffee.

"Because if people know about me and what I'm able to do, I'd be in major trouble that I would never be able to escape. So I'm a ghost to the world," you answered, shrugging your shoulders.

"Anyway, we should probably go anyway. Your probably busy doing things and we have things to do as well. Let's go boys," Natasha said, getting up from her seat.

Sam followed right after but Steve was hesitant again.

"Could we meet again. Maybe just you and me. Get to know each other maybe?" Steve got out as Nat and Sam were far enough away.

"What like a date?" You asked, turning to look at him. He shrugged.

"Sure. I mean yes. I mean- can I take you on a date?" He finally asks.

"Sure Rogers. Why not?" You answered, turning back to the kitchen, "now go. I have some important shit to do."

Steve smiled at you widely.

"I'll pick you up at 7. Dress nice," he concluded before running after his friends.

You laughed before teleporting yourself back to the lab. You just got yourself a date with Captain America.

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