Almost-Infinity War

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Imagine- you are on Titan with Tony, Strange, Peter and the guardians. You take on Thanos one on one after you fail to get the gauntlet and things go south.

Warning- violence, spoilers for infinity war
Ps: I am aware this isn't exactly how the scene went but just go along with it
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You half laid on the ground, blood running down the side of your mouth, as you watched Tony fight Thanos.

You almost had him until Quill ruined your chance. You were breathing heavily as they continued fighting.

'No' you thought. 'I will not go down like this'.

You slowly pushed your self off the ground as your body ached. You had been hit hard but you weren't going to let that stop you.

Gathering the energy you had left, you created a ball of power in your hands.

Surprisingly, you felt as if you had a lot more power then you thought you did.

As Thanos pushed Tony to the ground, you got ready to strike. Running at him with full speed you hurled the energy at him, catching him by surprise and making him stumble.

He looked up in shock as you kept firing balls of energy at him. Over and over again, taking out all your rage with it.

You started throwing them at the ground around him to form a circle. Pulling up on the energy, the circle created walls as you trapped him within.

Stephan and Tony watched with fascination as you, a y/a year old kid took on Thanos, nearly beating him. Something they weren't able to do.

You raise the cage you had created for him into the air and made sure he stayed centred in the middle. Watching as your powers took hold of him and dug deep into his mind.

Placing your mental talons around his mind you tightened them, bringing him to pain. You kept tightening and tightening the talons until he was at the point of almost passing out.

You released your mental grip and then focused on the energy around him as you slowly started to try to tear him apart. This was bringing him a lot more pain then the talons did.

He groaned in agony as he tried to close his fist to use one of the stones. His actions caught your eye as you caught his fist with your powers before he did.

"You. Will. Suffer," you got out as you continued to press the energy. You were not going to let him take away your family.

Unknowingly, your focus on the energy in his fist died down and so did the energy, letting him close it and create a knife while flinging it at you.

You were so focused on tearing him in half you didn't notice the knife coming towards you before it was too late.

It slashed your neck and blood started to come from the wound. Your hold on his got released as you both dropped to the ground as you hadn't realized you were floating.

You were gasping for air as you lost more and more blood, trying to hold your wound.

Tony watched in horror as Thanos used the stones to place you in a trance while holding you in the air, as you had just did to him.

Your arms fell loosely to your sides but the blood still came pouring out of the wound.

"No!" Tony screamed.

"Stop," Strange said from his spit on the ground, "spare her. I'll give you the stone. Just spare her," he bargained.

"No tricks," Thanos asked.

"No tricks," Strange confirmed.

"Strange what are you doing," Tony asked. As much as he wanted you to be safe and alive, giving Thanos the Stone meant giving up.

"Saving her," Strange answered, holding out the stone to Thanos.

Thanos kept you in his power hold as you fell unconscious. He took the stone from Strange and dropped you.

"Thanos," Quill said, coming in. He had seen most of the ordeal but hadn't had time to process what was happening.

He went to attack him but he disappeared through a portal. Quill fell to the ground as Tony quickly rushed over to you, grabbing hold of you and trying to put pressure on the wound.

"No no no, kid. Don't leave me. Don't leave me," he muttered, desperately trying to help, "Strange! Get your magical ass over here and help her!" He called over to him.

Strange got up and walked over to you. He assessed the wound and kneeled next to you. Tony moved his hands as strange healed up the outside wound.

"Her vocal cords are damaged but I managed to stop the bleeding. She'll live for now but she needs to get to a hospital where they can treat her," he explained.

Quill stood up and looked at the men crowding your unconscious body.

"Did we loose?" He asked to no one in particular.

Tony only looked at him and nodded.

"We were almost there. She almost had it," he muttered.

The others slowly gained consciousness again and walked over to you were.

"What happened?" Mantis asked.

"We lost," Quill admitted.

"Strange, foolishly, gave up the stone," Tony accused strange.

"I saved your kid. You should be happy I did something, otherwise the girl would be as good as dead," he pointed out.

"Yes I wanted Y/n alive but now that Thanos has the stone we are basically done for," tony argued back.

"What happened?" Peter asked, looking at you.

"Y/n was fighting off Thanos before he flung a knife at her throat and nearly killed her. Although she got the closest to killing Thanos then any of us," Strange explained.

"And then he gave up the stone," tony added on.

"Oh my god. Is Y/n ok," Peter said, rushing over to you and Tony.

"She should be. But we have bigger problems to deal with," he said.

"We can't exactly do anything. He's won," Nebula admitted.

They all just sat in silence as the realization of that sentence sank in.

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