Former Villain-Avengers

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Imagine- you were once a villain the avengers fought and were currently locked up. But, the avengers needed you to help them with something.

Just a short little thing I found cute.
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You were currently lying in your bed in the cell the so called 'avengers' put you in.

You didn't get that bored because you had a very active imagination so this just gave you some nice free time with the side of silence.

That is, until a voice ruined it.

"Alright L/n. Looks like your useful after all," Starks voice broke your silence.

You sighed heavily.

"What, in the ever loving hell, do you want," you said, turning your head to face him.

"We need your abilities to find a base," Rogers explained, walking out from the shadows.

"What the old man said," Stark agreed.

You raised your eyebrows before flopping your head back onto the pillow.

"Oh come on. I was just getting used to this place. Do I have the choice to stay here?" You asked, hopeful.

"Nope," Stark answered, opening the cell.

Rogers walked up to and placed a pair of power dampening cuffs on you, pulling you up by them.

Stumbling up, you looked at the cuffs before looking back at him with an annoyed look.

"Really? Is this necessary?" You said as he pulled you out by the cuffs.

"Yes. We aren't having you escape today," he stated.

You sighed loudly as Stark followed behind you.

You were pulled into a conference looking room where people sat around a table. All focus went to you the moment you stepped in.

Some people had a look of hate in their eyes while some looked scared. You smirked. You certainly made a mark on them.

"I can't believe we're doing this," you heard Barton mutter.

Rogers pushed you into an office type chair at the end of the table, all eyes focused on you as you spun around in it.

"Now," you started, whipping your head around as you spun to keep your eyes on them, "why did you drag my out of perfectly comfortable cell."

"You will find us this next Hydra base as it is secluded from our sights," Thor's booming voice basically yelled.

You rolled your eyes and continued spinning. "I'm not doing that so if you could, return me to my cell," you asked politely.

"Stop that chair," Rogers demanded. A hand was placed into the arm and stopped it from spinning. You pouted a bit as you were having fun.

"Yeah, you don't have a choice, so get to it," Stark said, handing you a file of the base you needed to find.

You sighed in defeat. "Fine but after I do this can I go back. I didn't have to deal with anyone there," you complained.

"Yes. There's no other place we would put you. Your dangerous and have to be contained," Fury said.

You rolled your eyes and focused on the file. You had the power of sight. Which was basically the ability to see anywhere at anytime no matter what. Past present or future. It helped a lot when you were a villain.

You closed your eyes and started searching Russia through your vision. You eventually found it.

"Aha," you whispered. Little did you know the avengers were watching you with curiosity and interest.

You zoomed out a bit to figure out where that was. Moscow. The capital.

"Moscow. Russia," you stated.

You opened your eyes and met the gaze of the curious avengers.

"Are you sure?" Banner asked.

You gave him annoyed look. "Yes I'm sure."

"Alright then. If we find out you led us into a trap you will regret it," Barton threatened as Stark and Rogers pulled you up.

"Good to know. And can I have a better bed, possibly a fluffier pillow. Or even a book cause I'm bored and the bed isn't the comfiest," you asked as they lead you away.

"No," Rogers answered right away.

"Please. Consider this a treat for one-not trying to kill you for once and two-actually helping you," you reasoned.

Rogers and Stark looked to be having a mental conversation before Rogers sighed.

"Fine. But that's it," he told you, Stark opening the cell and Rogers pushing you inside, taking off the cuffs.

"That's all I'm asking," you concluded.

They left and you did a little happy dance. You had managed to bargain them into giving you s better bed.

"Yes!" You cheered quietly.

The next day, Stark got your bed in and installed. Let's just say you were grateful.

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