Besties-Peter Parker

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Imagine- you are Peters bestie and you make him take you to the book store but of course he had to stop at the tower first.

This one doesn't have really any action but I thought it was cute
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"Peter," you shout, bursting into his room.

"Ah! What," he says, startled and confused.

"Get your shit and get a life because we're going to the bookstore," you saying, walking out of his room.

Peter just sits there, confused. "What."

He just sat there for a few seconds, contemplating what had just happened before getting up and walking to the kitchen where you were talking to May.

"Y/n, I have questions," Peter said, bringing your attention to him.

"There you are. I was wondering when you were going to come out," you said, jumping off the stool and walking to the door.

"Wait. Where are we going?" He asked calling out to me.

"Did you not hear what I said. I said grab your shit and get a life because we're going to the bookstore. I have money," you repeated while walking out the door.

"Ok then," he muttered to himself, saying goodbye to May and following after.

You were standing on the side walk, trying to get a cab when Peter tapped you on the shoulder.

You turned around to face him.

"Finally. I honestly thought you were just going to ditch me in this shopping trip we planned," you exasperated, putting your focus on trying to get a cab again.

He just sighed and replied with, "Yeah sure but can we stop at the tower first. I want to talk to Mr.Stark about some Spider-Man stuff and he wanted to meet you anyway."

"Yeah sure. Why not. As long as we do end up going to the bookstore afterwords. I need to make my trip to get my reading material," you answered, finally managing to the get a cab.

"Where do you two want to go today," the driver asked as you got in.

"Avengers tower please," Peter answered, handing him some money. He nodded and started driving.

*Time skip brought to you by Peter teaching Thor Gen Z terms*

You arrived at the tower soon and the both of you got out. Peter scanned his ID card to get in and spoke to the person at the front desk, explaining who you were.

"Alright. Let's go," he said.

You followed him to the elevator and to Tony's lab. Music was heard from the room and Peter knocked on the door. This got his attention.

"Hey Mr.Stark. Sorry for dropping in unexpectedly but I brought Y/n," he said nervously.

Tony opened the door and let you both in.

"It's alright kid. I'm actually glad your here and it's glad to meet you Y/n," he greeted you.

"Hello Mr.Stark," you greeted back.

"Alright then, let's get to work," he said before pulling out more tech stuff.

*Time skip brought to you by Irondad*

They had been working for a few hours and you were bored.

"Peeeeterrrrrr," you dragged out.

"Yeah," he said absentmindedly.

"Can we go to the mall now. I'm bored and I need my reading materiel," you groaned.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that. I'm come back later Mr.Stark but we need to catch a cab to the bookstore to get Y/n some books," Peter explained.

"Nonsense. Happy will drive you. And I can give you money if you need it," he offered.

"I actually have money," you answered.

"Ok then, I'll get Happy to drive you," he finalized, walking in front of the both of you.

You and Peter looked at each other before shrugging. You both followed him out to see who you assumed Happy waiting in the car.

You both got into the back as happy looked at you two in the mirror.

"Nice meeting you Y/n!" Tony called.

"You too," you called back as Happy pulled out.

"Where are you going," he asked.

"The bookstore," you answered enthusiastically. He just nodded.

Once you got there he dropped you off and you and Peter walked in. You breathed in heavily.

"Heaven," you whispered.

Peter chuckled before letting you explore. Let's just say he came back to your arms being full of books and you not having enough money. He smiled.

"I knew this would happen so I asked Mr.Stark to lend us a bit of money," Peter explained.

"Smart because I am not leaving my without all these books," you said stubbornly.

He laughed and you both paid for them, walking back to where Happy was parked.

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