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Y/a- your age
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Imagine- you have a chip in your brain that prevent people from going in your head, one that couldn't be hacked. Or so you thought.
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You were at the avengers compound, swinging on the swings they had there. Tony was playing Finger Football with Nebula, Vision and Wanda were talking quietly, Bucky and Steve were cuddling, Nat and Clint were training, Thor and Loki were being taught earth things by Peter and Shuri (with comments from you), Bruce was watching and Pietro was running around the backyard.

Right now you guys were trying to explain swings to the gods. They had gotten the most important part of it.

"I want to try," Thor said.

"You can't. You'll break it," you said.

"Then why are you able to do it and not break it." Loki asked.

"I'm a y/a year old not going up in age right now," you said.

"If you were able to then you would-," you break off in the middle of your sentence. Your head drops and you stop swinging.

Everyone heard your sudden break off, because they were sorta listening in because it was amusing to them, and stopped what they were doing.

They saw you become limp in the swing and became worried.

"Pete, get her off the swing," Tony called, all of them walking closer to us as Peter got you off.

He held you in his arms as they all crowded around, worried about you.

"What happened?" Pietro asked, coming over when he noticed they all circled around you.

"We don't know. She was explaining something to those two and then all of a sudden became limp," Steve explained.

Then, your head stared twitching and your eyes became glazed over.

"Y/n is temporally offline. Her system has been hacked and will no longer be fully in control- c-c-control," You said in a robot voice before going limp again.

They all looked at each other in worry before all chorusing one thing.


"You know, let's just bring her to the lab to get her tested and see what that means," Bruce suggested.

"Yeah, that's a good idea," Steve agreed.

So, Bucky took you from Peters arms and carried you to Bruce's lab as he followed.

"Alright, u need to scan some things so we all need to leave the room while I do some tests," he said, pushing everyone out.

He took some scans and looked over them, spotting the chip in your brain.

He studied it for a good while, wondering how someone managed to hack into something that simply couldn't be hacked into.

But then, as he was looking at the chip, he noticed a tiny little bit of the corner was gone. He didn't know where but the chip was open.

"That's how," he muttered to himself.

He called everyone else back in to tell them what he found out.

"So, explain," Tony said right away, walking in and placing his hands on the edge of the table you were lying on.

"Yeah, exactly how did someone manage to hack into something that is simply impossible to hack into," Nat agreed.

"I still can't read her, yet someone managed to hack into the chip blocking me out," Wanda said.

"Yeah, make it make sense," Shuri said, her Gen Z coming out.

"Well. I did manage to find something out," Bruce admitted.

"What is it," Loki asked.

"When I was studying the scans of her brain, I managed to find the chip that was in there. It didn't seem to have anything wrong with it so I didn't understand what had happened. That is, until I noticed a little bit of the corner missing. Just a bit, barley noticeable, but there. So, who ever hacked into her mind must have been trying to do it for a while, but couldn't because it was sealed right. Until this happened, and they can get into it. How the chip got, well, chipped I don't know," Bruce explained.

They all nodded their head slowly, taking everything in.

They were brought from their thought by you waking up. You opened your eyes to notice you were in Bruce's lab.

"What the- What am I doing in the lab? How did I get here?" You asked, confused.

"You don't remember anything?" Loki asked.

"All I remember is I was swinging on the swing in the backyard, explaining everything to the both of you one minute then I black out for I second and I wake up in the lab. What happened?" You explained, sitting up.

"Someone hacked into your chip," Nat said bluntly.

"What?" You asked, looking at her in disbelief.

"A corner in your chip is missing and someone managed to get into it through there. That's all we know," Wanda explained.

"What happened?" You asked, looking at everyone, watching them hesitate to answer.

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Part 2?

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