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As soon as Benny and I were walking up I noticed that this kid was crying. Well kinda I don't know really.

Benny started the conversation,
"Hey, we're gonna go play some ball and we need an extra guy" he said motioning towards me.

"You wanna go?" I asked

"Nah thanks"

"Why not don't you like baseball?" Benny asked

"Oh yeah but uh-"

"But what?" I said

"But my's busted. See now I can't go."

Benny looked at me annoyed I had to look away for a moment or I would start laughing from Benny's expressions

"Thanks though"

"It's okay, I got an extra one." Benny told the kid tossing the glove to him

The boy told his mom he was gonna go play with us and he would be back in a while

"Come on let's go!" I said smiling at the boys

I grabbed Benny's hand as we ran off towards The Vincent drug store where the other boys would be. He squeezed my hand and I saw him smile to himself at the action. Well so did I. Smalls probably felt uncomfortable with the energy I created there but I mean I was holding Benny's hand! He would probably feel the same way!

Sadly we got to the store too fast and Benny let go of my hand. I mean it's not like we were dating but still why did it hurt so much?

"I'M THE GREAT BAMBINO!" Ham yelled at the guys.

"Who's that?" Smalls asked so innocently

"What?" Ham asked

I looked over at Benny and he looked down ashamed. He put his face in my shoulder to hide the embarrassment.

"What did he say?" Ham demanded again

"What were you born in a barn man?" Bertram asked

"Yeah yeah what planet are you from?" Yeah yeah teased

"You never heard of the Sultan of Swat?" Squints asked

"The Titan of Terror?" Kenny pressed

"The colossus of Clout?"
"The colossus of Clout?" Timmy and Tommy joined in

"The King of Crash man!" Benny goes

"Oh yeah The Great Bambino of course, I thought you said the great Bambi."

No he didn't. I thought to myself I mean look at this kid he had a plastic glove poor kid.

"That wimpy deer!" Ham yelled

"Yeah I guess sorry."

"Uh anyway Scott that's Timmy and Tommy Timmins, Mike 'Squints' Palledorous, Alan McClennan we can him 'Yeah-Yeah' Bertram Grover Weeks, Kenny DeNunez, and Hamilton Porter we call him Ham." Benny said

"And you should know Y/n L/n." He said turning to put his arm around my shoulder

I tried to hide my smile the best I could thankfully no one noticed

"Guys this Scott Smalls."

"Hi!" Smalls said waving towards the boys

I felt a smile creep on my face at how cute and funny the scene looked in front of me but then it disappeared when squints decided to spit in front of my shoes

"Squints you idiot! You almost hit my shoes!"

"What about it?" He pressed

"You won't have that attitude when I make you buy me a new pair." I challenged

The boys started laughing but Squints could see his funeral in his eyes

Benny ceased the laughing "yeah um well he's gonna play with us cause he makes 10 so now we gotta a whole team. We're wasting time, let's go to the sandlot!" Benny yelled at the boys while putting his hand into mine once again.

"Benny its 9 o clock in the morning!"
"It's 9 o'clock!"

"Geez who pissed in their corn Flakes this morning?" Benny whispered in my ear

I started laughing "I don't know probably Phillips."

"That little shit!" He gasped

I started laughing even more at his dramatic gasp. Benny smiled while looking at me.

"OH LOOK AT THOSE LOVE BIRDS!" Yeah-Yeah screamed

Squints started making kissing noises with his comediec parter.

The boys were laughing there asses off behind us. Benny seemed annoyed but nonetheless never let go of my hand.

How sweet.

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