"Sure you may."

The man happily flopped down in the seat and started to steer his coffee as he poured the packets of sugar into it. He had a cute smile and I couldn't help but keep staring at him. It wasn't my intention to be creepy, but my eyes couldn't leave his form.

He seemed fit, his shirt rightly hugging his lean chest. His blonde, straight hair was brushed back, with a few strands dangling over his forehead. His skin was fair and his eyes were a charming hazelnut. He took my breath away, and I think he knew very well of how he affected me then.

I jumped a little when the man raised his eyes towards me. I had to quickly look away and pretend I had not just been staring at him a couple of seconds ago, but there was no such luck as I heard him chuckle.

"Like what you see, huh?" His voice was teasing, and I dared myself to look up and meet his gaze. The man leaned back, swiftly taking his coffee cup in hand and pressing the white porcelain to his plump lips.

"Well.. um..."

"Jonah, Jonah Williams." He smiled, making my heart flutter at his bright smile.

"Well, Jonah, you are a very... good looking man... One has to simply admire the art."

I heard him laugh, the soft sound sending butterflies erupting in my tummy. I had never felt that way for a stranger before, so then and there I thought to myself that it must be a sign from the universe. Could that man be the one?

"Well, I appreciate your compliment miss."

"Oh, please call me Y/N."

"Huh, Y/N? That's a very pretty name." He says, giving me a sweet smile. "What's your second name?"

"Uh, L/N. Y/N L/N." I responded, fidgeting with my fingers.

"I don't like your last name."

His answer made me frown. What do I care if he doesn't like my name? I love my name.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Oh nothing, just saying that it sounds like it would sound better if it were Y/N Williams, don't you think?"

Just before I could snap back at him, I realized that he just made a marriage joke...

"Did you just-"

"Yes, yes I did... I'm sorry, I'm really corny... that wasn't funny. You have a beautiful name and last name of course..."-Jonah started to stutter, a whole difference from the confident tease from five seconds ago.-"I guess, what I really want to say is that... I used the excuse of the coffee shop being full to sit with you because I've seen you here before and I have this huge crush and my friends will kill me if I don't talk to you."

His last confession took me aback and I snorted. I was shocked at the noise that came out of my mouth and held a hand to my lips. Then we both burst out laughing, winning a few hushes from annoyed costumers.

Knowing that we were bothering, we both payed our orders and left the caffee.

As we walked down the street, Jonah kept looking towards me, hoping I'd say something. I was shocked... That hunk of a man had a crush on me, was a huge softie and was corny as hell... and I liked that... very much.

Jonah stopped walking, which made me stop in my track and turn around to face him.

"Look, Y/N, I know we just met, but would you consider going on a date with me? It's my treat, we can go wherever you want. I just really want to get to know you. You seem like a nice girl... Would you maybe consider it?"

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