Chapter 36: The Fall

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Neah is planted on a patio chair in the backyard of Tyler's house. She brings her drink up to her mouth and takes a sip, watching a boring game of beer pong happening that Bree excused herself from minutes ago. She glances up to spot Tony on the side of the house, stumbling on his skinny legs and clearly unable to get to wherever he's going safely.

Neah abandons her drink with a sigh, heading over to where he's struggling to walk. "Motor skills abandon you?"

Motor skills, brain skills, all other skills," he slurs, almost colliding with a small nearby shrub. He looks at her again, his eyes bloodshot. "I thought you said you were staying home tonight?"

"I'm Dakota's ride," Neah says. "And guard dog in case anything weird happens."

"What kind of weird?"

"Anything," she answers. "Nausea, humiliation, change of clothes, etcetera."

"Can I get on that bandwagon?" Tony crumbles to the ground like a fallen feather. "I feel like complete shit."

"I can take you home," she offers. "You need to sober up before you try walking though. You kind of look pathetic."

"A pathetic fool," he corrects, like he's proud. "A big, giant, massive fool."

"In more ways than one," Neah mumbles under her breath but she swears, she's not bitter.

"Our talk the other night confirms that I am," Tony goes on, way too drunk to be having this conversation right now but he seems to want to have it anyway. "Making that dumb decision was just plain foolish. Don't you think?"

As much as Neah wants to tell him that yes, he was foolish and he should have just chose her... she knows that it's not rational. She shrugs helplessly. "It's probably what's best for our family."

"But I asked what you thought," he clarifies, looking up from the ground.

"Please do not ask me that." She looks away. "I'm going to get you some water."

She heads around to the sliding back door, just in time to hear a loud crash coming from the foyer, followed by gasps and yells. Neah follows the crowd from the kitchen to the foyer, where Bree is crumpled on the floor, her head bruised from the fall.

"Should we call 9-1-1?" Riley Wolfe asks in shock as everyone begins to panic and crouch down to show concern.

Dakota appears next to Bree, her eyes as big as golf balls. "What happened?"

"I think she fell," Neah answers, hearing her phone bleep from inside of her pocket. She pulls it out, an unknown number sending a text:

See how easy it is to get my hands on you bitches? -A

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