Chapter 4: Welcome to Rosewood

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Sabrina Mendes hurries into her kitchen with her school bag slung onto her elbow. Her mother stands at the island, tying up a basket full of candles, treats, bath bombs, those things you open jars with, tiny mints, and other random junk Mrs. Mendes loves to find at the dollar store to shove into these care baskets.

"Good morning," Mrs. Mendes greets her daughter with a chipper smile that is all too bright for Sabrina's first day of school.

"Good morning," Sabrina lies, even though this is so far from a good morning.

Sabrina woke up in bed today with the terrible reminder that today marks the anniversary of Alison's disappearance. It took everything for her to roll out and slide into clothes and pack her bag. Last year, they didn't have school on this day so it was easier to deal with. But now she has to show up to a sea of faces and paint a smile over her face. Even though she's basically irrelevant to everyone in her class by now, she knows that some of them still probably only know her as one of Ali D's old friends.

Speaking of which, this morning's paper sits folded up next to the basket, Ali's face filling the front page. STILL MISSING.

Sabrina points at the basket. "What's that for?"

"I was thinking about dropping it off at the DiLaurentis house," Veronica answers, glancing over at her daughter. Her pearls hug her neck, the collar of her purple blouse freshly ironed. "Somebody moved in."

Sabrina feels her breath hitch at the mention of Alison's home, awkwardly nodding at her mom. "You should, that would be nice... getting to know new neighbors and stuff." She clears her throat, grabbing an apple from the bowl on the island. "Plus, you've already made the basket and that might be your best work yet."

"It is, isn't it?" Veronica beams proudly before checking the time on her glimmering gold watch. "But I don't think I'll have time to drop it off. It's on your way to school right? Do you mind?"

"Yeah, it's no problem." With a reassuring smile, Sabrina slips her arm through the handle of the basket. She's kind of been looking for an excuse to see Ali's house, anyway-- not that she drives past it every now and again on her bike or anything. "I'll see you tonight for dinner."

"Come home with an empty stomach, we're having sushi." Veronica kisses her fingers and waves them at her daughter as she dashes out the front door.

Sabrina hates sushi.

The DiLaurentis house hasn't changed a bit. The only thing different is the amount of moving boxes filling up the driveway, a U-Haul truck parked at the curb. The house hasn't been touched since Alison's family fled Rosewood when the police could no longer help them with the case. Sabrina stands at the end of the driveway, a familiar box of Ali's things sitting on a heap next to the mailbox.

Unable to stop herself, Sabrina stares into the box, wishing to run her hands through things Ali once touched. she could dig through it and bring home a few things that were of importance. A large sign is taped to the front, screaming FREE! in big blue letters. She frowns, looking around at the other things around the box. She recognizes the corduroy bedroom chair that used to sit in the corner of Alison's room. There's a stack of grimy books Alison never touched. Under those are spiral bound notebooks, school subjects written on the front in swirly handwriting. The boxes on top of each other are marked Alison's Clothes and Ali's Old Things. There's a gold medal sticking out the top of it and Sabrina remembers the five of them making up a game at Alison's house called Olympian Sex Goddess. Ali won every time.

"Do you want that?" A tall girl with caramel skin is making her way down the front steps of the old Victorian house.

"Uh, no, I'm good," Sabrina stammers, attempting to make herself seem like she wasn't about to stash all that she could into her backpack. "Do you live here?"

"Yeah, I'm Zoe. Zoe Vanderhouse." She holds out her hand, beaded bracelets jingling on her wrist. "Just moved in."

"Sabrina Mendes." She offers a smile and reluctantly shakes the girl's hand. A handshake is way too formal between two teenage girls and she's kind of freaking out because her hands are probably sweating buckets. She offers the basket. "Welcome to Rosewood."

"This is for me?" Zoe asks excitedly, taking the basket from her. "That's so sweet. Thank you. You are the first to welcome me to town."

"Sorry if there's random stuff in it, the Mendes family love their gift baskets." For a split second, she feels a sense of warmth with Zoe-- a strange thing to receive from a stranger so soon after meeting them. "And, no need to thank me. I'm sure everybody is going to want to welcome you to town. You're going to Rosewood High, I'm guessing?"

"Yeah, but I'm not starting until tomorrow." Zoe nods. "My parents left me to handle the unpacking while they start their own jobs. I'm hoping you're going there, too?"

"Yep, first day of sophomore year is today so this basically means my last moment of freedom," Sabrina responds, realizing she's rambling a bit but she can never help herself in these kinds of social situations. "But hey, maybe I can help unpack tomorrow."

She'd be lying if she said she wasn't desperate for a peek into Ali's old room before it officially becomes someone else's.

"Yeah, okay." Zoe smiles back at her. "Maybe I'll find you after school. We can be walking buddies and you can warn me all about the scary people at Rosewood High. I'll need all the help I can get."

"I'd love that." Sabrina feels her cheeks go warm. "But when it comes to Rosewood, I don't think it's going to be as scary as you think."

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