Xavier caught the hint and his eyes widened before he started smirking. 

Zion immediately knew who he was talking about, and his throat tightened. He couldn't risk it. It was too soon. Too close to the enemy. Too close for a mistake. 

"Even before she was trained into the business, she worked in the warehouses. It was cruel, actually. Child labor. But she could navigate the exact coordinates with her eyes closed," Flynn said. Zion watched him carefully, yerning for a lie to slip. But it never came. The man was telling the truth in every word he spoke, and Zion hated it. 

"You don't send her in, you get her to lead someone else through it," Flynn concluded, straightening his posture when all the other men started to realize. All the others besides Matteo, Santiago, and Rico. 

Matteo had a good idea of who they were speaking of but wasn't completely sure. The Colombians, on the other hand, had no damn clue. 

"She'll fuck us over; No," Zion declared sternly, shaking his head at Flynn's cursed intelligence. Inan was gaining an assumption about the real reason behind Zion's hesitation with the idea. Rico and Santiago's eyes flickered back and forth between the men, trying to figure it out. They didn't think it was any of their business, but if it was going to be in their plans, they wanted to know. 

"Then bring her in now, get her to talk. Or blackmail her, kill what's left of her family," Xavier states, and Flynn's lids fell slightly over his eyes when his narrowed gaze snapped over to the arrogant-looking man. Xavier scoffed at the look Flynn threw him and leaned back carelessly. 

"My bad. Forgot you were attached to the thing," Xavier scrutinized, and the anger he saw in Flynn's eyes kept him from saying anything else. 

He hated the way they spoke about her. Hated it. She was a human being. She had her own problems to deal with in her mind, they just had to make it worse. 

"It's our only shot at getting around this without a blueprinted map of the place. There's no way we're getting inside without someone who knew it from the inside out," Liam admitted, wincing when he mentioned the certain 'someone'. 

Zion was quiet for a few seconds as he pondered over the odds and the chances. He would have to see how she would react to the proposition in the first place. It would be a test. 

"Slone," he alerted the guard stationed near the door, his gaze hard and burning as he said the words, "Get the girl."


Zhara had just finished speaking to Adelaide about babysitting her twins again when a frightening, bulky guy yanked her to the side right before she could cross the threshold. She yelped at the sudden pain, her bicep aching as his hand clenched around it. 

"What the hell?!" she panted, attempting to rip her arm from his grasp. 

He only tightened his hold as he stared back at her in disgust. He looked to be in his early thirties, but death surrounded his figure. His hollow-looking eyes almost made her flinch. They tugged at something in her mind.  

What did she do to him? She clenched her jaw and wouldn't let some stupid asshole knock her off her ground, so she raised her head and skidded her feet to stop, but he was too strong. The only reason she wasn't killing this guy was that she knew she would get in trouble for it, and she would be lying if she said she wasn't scared of Zion since that night. 

"Hey, big guy," she pulled at his hold as he dragged her down a hallway she was too busy thrashing to recognize, "Let me the fuck go, I can walk by myself!"

The idiot stayed silent as she continued to fight against him, and she was holding back the urge to snap his neck. 

That would get you sent to the basement, Zhara, she remembered the voice of Adelaide in her head from earlier. 

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