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King Flavian's pov

I could only stare at her intensely as she ate..

She didn't even notice me because she was too focused on the food on her plate..

Not that I mind.

Maybe I do.

A little. Just a little, I just don't like the fact that I just found her yet her attention isn't focused on me. 

I've waited decades or even centuries for her arrival. And I would willingly wait for more if that means I'll be able to keep her all to myself. 

A woman made for me. My other half.

And she was so worth it, so lovely, so sweet, so perfect.

And I'm ready to wait for another century or forever for her.

I just met her yet she feels so right, when she touched me. I could never forget that feeling and would give anything to be with her , even the kingdom I built from scratch just to keep her to myself. 

My breathing hitched as I heard her let out a sound of delight, clearly showing how much she has appreciated the food. I should really give my compliments to the chef that had been serving me for years now.

But that wasn't it, that sound made my imagination run wild that I could feel my blood rushing down to that one particular region on my lower half.

My dick. Yeah.

I'm not a virgin, and I'm ashamed for it.

If I knew I would be given a mate at first I would've killed every women who even tried to touch me.

But I grew up and people made me believe I wouldn't have a mate, especially my parents.

My father, the previous king, killed my mother because of his greed for power. 

Don't get me wrong though, i really did build this kingdom from scratch. But we couldn't find more allies because no one would trust a 'young man' . So i let my father hold the reigns which was a wrong move because he got obsessed and greedy with power. 

When the people started to appreciate my mother and respect her more than him, he took that as a threat and took her life then made it look like an accident.

He was afraid that they would someday turn against him, and because the queen wasn't his mate it was easy for him.

But he raised me up to be the perfect king. He was so strict and one mistake would give me punishment.

Not that it matters now, I took his life with my own hands.

The thing is, he made me believe that kings aren't given a chosen mate because they would only become the king's weakness.

Not until the witch told me otherwise, so i regretted all of my reckless decisions

I even thought of killing all of the girls I slept with before but reconsidered because they have a mate waiting for them whoever knows where.

I stopped associating with girls, wouldn't even talk to them except if it's business related. My sister was an exception though.

Unlike me, my sister found her mate early. They had some ups and downs but they overcame all struggles .

People rumored me to be gay because they've never seen me with any girls so I told my men to spread another rumor that I have some kind of a secret harem ,which surprisingly worked .

I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard her speak in her soft voice.

"Are you a prince?"

She asked curiously which made me raise both of my eyebrows as I stared at her in amusement before asking her another question back without answering hers

"Why do you think so?"

She shrugged her shoulders slightly as she tucked a strand of her grey hair behind her ear which made my fingers itch as I wanted to do that myself.

"Well , because you look like a royalty? People treat you like one, and you're too young to be the king"

"Too young? " I chuckled as she nodded her head

"How old do you think I am?"

"About 28? Or maybe 30? Princes usually get crowned as king when they turn the age of 50 right? Marcus went famous because he was known as the youngest king-" she gasped out and shut her mouth as she stared at me in fright , probably seeing my eyes glow into a shade of bloody red .

"Don't, and I meant Don't.. talk about another men or even mention their names when you're with me.."

I growled out harshly under my breath as I clenched my manly hands into a fists , my knuckles turning white and visible.

She bit her lower lip nervously as she cleverly shifted the topic while I tried to calm himself down.

"Alright. Uhn... So how old are you really? You act and move too mature yet you look younger than 30s "

So adorable. I thought.

"I'm 827"

She kept quiet and just stared at him before bursting into fits of laughter, I couldn't even feel offended as she laughed. The sweet sound of her laughter filled my ears and echoed though the dining hall, filling it with some kind of warmth that you could find on homes, not houses , mansions nor castles like this one. 

I relaxed visibly on my seat while my eyes are focused on her, taking all of her in and memorizing every little details about her 

How her cheeks heated up when she laughed, her nose scrunched slightly, her lips .... god... 

I don't think I can ever get tired of staring at her, fuck that. Getting tired of her would be impossible. 

Maybe she felt uncomfortable under my gaze or something because she stopped laughing and her face turned into a deeper shade of red in embarrassment, then the rambling which I find cute started and kept going for minutes

So adorable 

"-w-well not like I'm telling you you're old but I mean, Y-your age is old but not you. Wait that doesn't sound right . I mean, you look a hundred times younger than your age-" 

She stopped when I raised an eyebrow at her seriously, biting my tongue painfully to stop myself from laughing at her nervousness while she's fiddling with her fingers .

Her eyes widened and she must have noticed the words she used because she raised both of her arms up like the ' I'm not a threat' gesture as she rambled further.

"N- no I mean" She closed her eyes as her face turned into the deepest shade of red possible for a human , making me stop myself to wonder how further that blush can go as she mumbled out a quick "Please tell me to shut up" under her breath. 

I raised an eyebrow in confusion but did it nonetheless

"Shut up" I said , more like a question because I didn't want to sound mean and scare her away. Nope. 

"Okay" She pursed her lips together as she turned to dig back into her food and continue eating while I finally let out a booming laughter I was trying so hard to hold in.  

God she's adorable, and mine. 

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