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Celena's pov

I woke up in a very dark room making me squint my eyes to see better

I was about to panic when I saw the unfamiliar room but calmed down right after as I remember what happened yesterday.

It's still so unbelievable.  It could be a dream.

Is this some kind of a miracle ? If it is , why did I have to look different?

My head is full of unanswered questions, but before I could even make up any more of my 'theories' and consider them as my answers as of the moment.

I felt cold arms wrapped tighter around my waist pulling me in closer making me shudder and hold my breath.

I tilted my head aside to see the culprit only to let a soft gasp out as I saw red eyes staring back at me in amusement, I couldn't really see him but his eyes gives that glow thing which are very very entrancing especially if its dark, which it is at the moment. or Maybe it's just me.


He mumbled out in his bedroom voice as I slid my hands up to place them over his hard chest, instantly regretting my decision as I felt him let a husky growl out and tug me in closer to him.

I was just trying to put some distance between us.. geez..

"Err, too close" I mumbled under my breath awkwardly as I fisted my trembling fingers into a fist.

He chuckled out softly and leaned in even closer making me try my hardest to pull back as I felt him tug a strand of hair that has been dangling behind my ear .

"Why would I?"

He asked playfully before running his pale cold fingers through my hair.

"B-because we just met and-" I mentally scolded myself for stuttering but I couldn't even finish my own statement because I heard him growl in disapproval, shutting me up quickly.

"I don't really like that idea, but what do you suggest?"  He spoke in a firm voice.

"Baby steps?" I felt him stiffened beside me for a second before chuckling

"I thought you're gonna suggest making a baby, I got a little excited right there doll. "

I felt my cheeks heat up with embarrassment.

Why would he think like that? Is he always horny? That word..

I felt my cheeks turn into a deeper shade of red probably making me look like a tomato ,but before I could even think of an appropriate reply I heard my stomach rumbled hungrily.


I bit my lip nervously as I tried to pull away, hoping he didn't hear that noise but his laugh that filled the room told me otherwise. 

"Let's go get you something to eat, shall we? "

He pulled me up to sit over his lap before kissing my forehead as I tried to squirm my way out .

He didn't tighten his arms around me which made it easier as I hurried my way inside the bathroom breathlessly, trying to calm my frantic heartbeat down as I heard him let out another thunderous laugh again .

Am I a clown or what?

I thought, shaking my head before washing my face

"There's a new set of toothbrush and other necessities, you're free to use them whenever"

I heard him inform me outside, sighing out in relief as I mumbled a soft 'thanks' under my breath.

I did the usual morning routine before taking a quick shower, I still feel strange. I don't know why..

Maybe it's because of the hair? My eyes? My body feels lighter and healthier, could I even ignore this?

I shrugged my shoulders as I froze..

Why did I even take a shower? I don't have clothes.. the one I wore wasn't even mine..

I bit my lower lip nervously as slowly pushed the door open, sticking my head out to peek outside only to see the man sitting on the edge of the bed and staring at me like he has been waiting.

"It's about time you come out, what took you so long?"

He wriggled his eyebrows playfully making me gulp the huge imaginary lump in my throat , mumbling out as I finally found the courage to.

" Can I borrow some clothes?"

He crossed his muscular arms over his chest as he leaned back, staring at me before chuckling

"You don't even have to ask.. now why don't you come out for a moment? "

I shook my head no which he only laughed at before speaking again. 

"I was planning to have some servants clean you up and dress you but I really couldn't bring myself to do that, not yet atleast. I feel so protective over you, I don't want to take any risk but I'll find my most trusted servants to do- "

"That's not necessary.. I can dress myself up and -"

"And why would you do that when I can, and you have servants serving under you? "

I laughed inwardly, I cut him up, he did the same .

"Maybe because I'm capable? I mean, I'm independent. And my limbs are complete, I'm not disabled. Do you need any more reasons?"

I rambled out and stared at him as silence overcame us for a minute or two before he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Fine. I'll definitely change your mind someday. Let's go eat?"

He held a hand out to me which I took hesitantly , I just noticed that he also took a shower. A quick one I guess.

But I wouldn't even ask him where because this castle probably has a lot of bathrooms, or maybe less. A hundred is just too much.

He took me downstairs but I was so amazed by the paintings delicately hung upon the walls

Maybe they're his ancestors? They all look so pale though

I didn't even notice that we already arrived on a grand dining room.

There's a fancy and elongated table placed on the very middle with a chandelier hanging just above.

The seats that are designed with gold, red and black are aligned neatly as he pulled out one for me.

I quietly thanked him before taking a seat and he sat down beside me and moments later, lined up servants started to enter carrying different kind of dishes which made me curl my toes in excitement as I heard my stomach growl.

I didn't expect him to hear the embarrassing sound my stomach made but the smirk tells me otherwise, how did he even hear that?

"Let's dig in" he said in between his chuckles.

I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly as I really did dig in. 

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