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Marcus' pov

I narrowed my eyes at alessia as she walked in closer..

She must be here to seduce me again, she always tried to.

And I loved her so much so I couldn't resist her but I made sure I wouldn't go over the limit.

I have a mate now, a beautiful one and an incoming child.. my heir to the throne

I couldn't wish for more, but alessia just had to come and confuse me all over again.

I miss her and our memories before, and I don't know if I still love her but I've always felt that she had a place in my heart.

But she could never surpass how much I love my wife..

I smiled while looking down at my files as I remembers celena, I couldn't talk to her these days because I've been busy with the matters involving the rogues.

I hope she wouldn't mistake me for avoiding her, I snapped out of my trance as I realized alessia sitting on my lap.

I was about to push her off but she encircled her arms around me and kissed me deeply.. so I kissed back without knowing why.. maybe to know if I still have some feelings for her.

We continued to make out bt she gripped my hair and yanked my hair away to bury my face against her neck..

She doesn't smell as good as Celena.. would it feel the same?

Without knowing what I'm doing, I sinked my canines against her neck and pulled away instantly as my eyes widened in horror.

I looked down at her mark as I felt Celena's mark over my neck burned, I quickly walked to the mirror to check it and I could only clench my fists as I saw her mark on me slowly fade.

What the fuck did I do?

Before I could even get mad over it I heard panicked yells all over the place making me narrow my eyebrows in confusion and walk out to check what's the commotion about.

"The luna! Please! Call the royal physician quickl-"

I didn't wait for the servant to finish as I heard about my luna, so I ran up the stairs as fast as I could and get to our room just to see her lying down on our bed weakly..

I walked in close as I felt my whole body shook in fear..

Realization hit me as fast as the idiocy I made as I realized her tattoos starting to fade..

Please don't...

My eyes started to water and quickly took her hand as she reached out almost desperately, but quickly pulled back as soon as I touched her..


I heard my wolf's pained whimper as I knew it was my fault..

Before I could even think straight, I felt her pull me in closer to whisper but not in her usual soft voice, but faintly this time.

"- save him" it was all I could hear when I decided to focus on her and not on my wolf's whimper.

"What happened? Talk to me.. "I shook her hand almost desperately to get her to talk before turning to glare at the servants who were on the verge of tears

" What happened to her? And where the heck is the royal physician?! I swear-"

I got cut off as she pulled me in again to press her lips against mine before mumbling a soft ' I'm sorry' softly

I couldn't move and just stared down at her, feeling a tear slid down my cheek as I felt her stop breathing, her lips turning cold against mine..

What's the meaning of this? Shouldn't she be with me forever?

I straightened up and placed my hand right over her chest to start pumping helplessly as I felt another tear escaped my eyes..

I can't lose her

Not like this..

Before I could lean down to give her what they call a CPR, I was pushed aside by an old man.

I couldn't even get mad when I noticed it was the royal physician.

All I did was stand beside him as he inspected her..

"Do everything you can to save her" I mindlinked him because I couldn't even trust my own voice at this rate..

I can't lose her.

I just stared at my love lying down ,looking so lifeless but still as perfect as she is..

I bit my tongue to stop myself from crying painfully as I felt the sad howls outside..

The others should have felt her pain too.. but she can't be gone. She can't leave me..

"I'm sorry, your majesty" I turned to look at the physician with knitted eyebrows and moved to pull Celena in protectively when they tried to take her from the bed

"What the heck do you think you're doing?! " I growled out but his next words made me froze on my spot..

"The Luna died, her mark disappeared and replaced with a dark red scar which means you have marked somebody else" he looked down with his fists clenched on his sides.." We should take the baby out to save him, as the Luna's last wish"

I felt my heart stopped beating and didn't even notice them taking her away from me ..

She couldn't be gone..

She's my mate.. I learned to love her even without this mate bond..

We should've been together forever..

'its all your fucking fault' I heard my own wolf growl angrily at me..

My queen...

I felt a part inside me die as I mindlinked someone to take Alessia to the dungeon.

It's all because of her.. my baby should have been alive right now if it wasn't for her..

I didn't have time to mourn as I ran out to go after where they took my mate, following the doctors scent and my heart broke as I realized Celena's scent started to disappear..

I just stood out of the room she's in, frozen while staring at it mindlessly as I still couldn't take everything in.. everything is going on too fast..

I just realized minutes later ,the physician went out to give me a baby covered in silk.. our baby..

I stared down at him, still couldn't take everything in as the next thing I heard are the panicked screams of the servants from the inside..

I carefully held the baby that looked to be my spitting image when I was young in my arms before kicking the door open just to find the servants crying on the ground

I was so confused at first but immediately dropped down on my knees as I realized what's going on..

I held the baby in closer to my chest as more of my tears started to escape my eyes, staring at ashes on the table that had a little amount of blood due to the operation..

How did this happen??

My Luna...

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